Teh Mine

From: koswix15 Feb 2011 03:06
To: ALL542 of 3934

Been having a bit of a play with MC Server this evening (www.mc-server.org, I think).


It's a custom server written in C++, and it seems reet fast. Running it on my laptop and I can play happily with view distance set to far when connected to the server. WHen playing single player I can't really go above 'short' view distance without it becoming unplayable.


It has plugin support (teleport, items, lists etc) and a better file format that's more efficient and doesn't spawn 100K files for a level. Also allows for a web-interface for server admin stuff, which'd be good if the server needs tweaking/restarting when I'm not about.


The downside? It doesn't really work yet beyond letting you connect to a world and walk around. :( Also, the guy that writes it seems to be a bit of a cock judging by their forums. There's also no useful information/documentation (less than the offical server :S) and no indication of when it was last updated. The file format is also incompattable with the existing world and there's no import/conversion tool.




So basically of no use to us, however it does hopefully point to what will be available in the (hopefully not too distant) future. If only Notch would move the official server to a proper language we could have Mobs and everything on :(

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)15 Feb 2011 03:07
To: koswix 543 of 3934
If you could make it so it outputs as VRML so I can wander about inside, that would be perfect. :D

Failing that, I'll just have to use my imagination a bit. :(
From: koswix15 Feb 2011 03:23
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 544 of 3934

Can't do VMRL, but there is a new map up for you now (kiss)


Shouldn't you be in bed?

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)15 Feb 2011 03:57
To: koswix 545 of 3934
I can't sleep without seeing the blocks. :(

I just tried connecting again, to the Reddit server, and had the same problem - local block loads and a few other random ones, before it cuts out and shows the Java exception again.

So yeah, that confirms it's not Teh server doing it. Oh well.
From: af (CAER)15 Feb 2011 11:14
To: ALL546 of 3934
Oh my, I fear I may have been a bit optimistic with my Main Entrance :&
From: ANT_THOMAS15 Feb 2011 14:44
To: ALL547 of 3934
Would it be wrong to play at work?
From: patch15 Feb 2011 15:12
To: ANT_THOMAS 548 of 3934
Not if you can get away with it.
From: koswix15 Feb 2011 17:07
To: ALL549 of 3934

Arrgh, first bug that's proper annoyed me.


Doing the cabling on the suspension bridge, and suddenly a big section of the fence post cables have decided to become invisible :'(

From: JonCooper15 Feb 2011 17:48
To: koswix 550 of 3934
fence posts do that a lot :(
From: koswix15 Feb 2011 17:50
To: JonCooper 551 of 3934

first time they've done it to me.


It's weird - it's like a big rectangle where they've gone. Above and below it they're fine :S

EDITED: 23 Jul 2012 18:00 by KOSWIX
From: af (CAER)15 Feb 2011 18:32
To: koswix 552 of 3934
You should have built the bridge 4 times bigger, then a regular block would have been the right size for the cables.

From: koswix15 Feb 2011 18:44
To: af (CAER) 553 of 3934
Maybe for the scale of the bridge, but not the scale of the world :C
From: JonCooper15 Feb 2011 19:14
To: koswix 554 of 3934
oh, that is wierd, I've only hard of them doing it pretty much at sea level
From: koswix15 Feb 2011 19:17
To: JonCooper 555 of 3934
just built two towers of sand up to the bootm of the invisiible bit and they've come back,
From: ANT_THOMAS15 Feb 2011 19:36
To: koswix 556 of 3934
Since when did scale really matter?
From: koswix15 Feb 2011 19:48
To: ANT_THOMAS 557 of 3934
Since caer suggested I made my bridge 4 times bigger :((
From: af (CAER)16 Feb 2011 10:49
To: koswix 558 of 3934
Pah, you just lack Ambition, young man :{)
From: JonCooper16 Feb 2011 11:35
To: ALL559 of 3934
does minecraft have some kind of memory issue?
I'm asking cos mine seems to crash after about an hour, with a DOS screen full of comments, but relaunching the .exe makes it all work again for another hour
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)16 Feb 2011 11:42
To: JonCooper 560 of 3934
Where's the dos screen coming from? Oh do you mean the ingame thing with the white background? Make a note of what it says next time (or take a screenie).

Shouldn't be a memory thing I think cos java's supposed to be sandboxed. Minecraft crashes for lots of reasons though so could be just you get a crash every hour or so from statistical chance or something.

Anyway yeah, note down the error. Though java errors can be a bit uselessly generic.
From: JonCooper16 Feb 2011 16:48
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 561 of 3934
nah, not ingame, like a dos prompt box with a load of stuff, I'll do a screen shot next time