Teh Mine

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 6 Feb 2011 22:24
To: koswix 473 of 3934
I tried viewing/downloading in Chrome and it didn't get anywhere. At one point it even crashed all the tabs in that window.

So I downloaded it FTP and the image itself is fine - works no problems in Windows Picture Viewer or Paint Shop Pro.

Tried the local copy in Chrome, and it was initially sluggish, but does now seem more-or-less to be behaving itself, if still a tad slow.
From: koswix 6 Feb 2011 22:26
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 474 of 3934



I'll resave the JPG and see waht happens.

From: JonCooper 6 Feb 2011 22:51
To: koswix 475 of 3934
'ere, you still left Steve's house off the maps
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 6 Feb 2011 23:05
To: JonCooper 476 of 3934

The JPG one is the full map, the PNG is selective crop.


Here's a quarter-sized one which shows it.


(Wondering if there's some way to identify warp points and do full-sized map image for just those local parts of the map which can be overlaid on a much smaller map and then display when hovered over. Possibly makes sense to wait for that bukket thing.)

EDITED: 6 Feb 2011 23:11 by BOUGHTONP
From: JonCooper 6 Feb 2011 23:22
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 477 of 3934
ahhh - the jpg wouldn't load for me
From: koswix 7 Feb 2011 14:13
To: koswix 478 of 3934

This morning my PC died, screen wouldn't come on, keyboard not responding (even caps lock and num lock lights not responding).


Reboot went into crazy cycle of BSODs.


Long story short, something went tits up with the NTFS on the system drive, and all progress since the last save at 18.10 yesterday is lost.


Sorry :(

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 7 Feb 2011 14:38
To: koswix 479 of 3934
S'alright (hug)
From: JonCooper 7 Feb 2011 14:44
To: koswix 480 of 3934
omg, not digging all that shit out again

not your fault at all, can't be helped

but jeebus, all that black wool gone ...
From: koswix 7 Feb 2011 15:01
To: JonCooper 481 of 3934
I've increased the backup frequency to every 2 hours now :$
From: PNCOOL 7 Feb 2011 17:23
To: koswix 482 of 3934
Ah, was just about to ask why one of my planes had disappeared. I though my PC had gone nuts and not uploaded the changes or something, so I'm glad it's not that.
From: koswix 7 Feb 2011 21:12
To: ALL483 of 3934

OK, It's just done the same thing (but not lost any data this time).


Nothing in the Event Viewer, other than "system didn't shut down properly last time". Power Management conflict or something?

From: Mouse 8 Feb 2011 10:17
To: koswix 484 of 3934
Is it set not to hibernate?
From: koswix 8 Feb 2011 13:02
To: Mouse 485 of 3934
Aye. Only set to turn screen off, everything else stays on :(
From: Mouse 8 Feb 2011 13:09
To: koswix 486 of 3934
Well, I've been playing single player and I'm a nervous wreck now having been used to no monsters.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 8 Feb 2011 14:25
To: Mouse 487 of 3934
*sits behind various corners / instruments in Mouse's shops and makes gurgling & hissy sounds*

(musiccd) X-O
EDITED: 8 Feb 2011 14:29 by NUKKLEAR
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 8 Feb 2011 23:51
To: ALL488 of 3934
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 8 Feb 2011 23:53
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 489 of 3934
From: sinkywinky 9 Feb 2011 00:20
To: koswix 490 of 3934
Can you add sinwin to the whitelist please (otter)
From: koswix 9 Feb 2011 03:28
To: sinkywinky 491 of 3934
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 9 Feb 2011 07:04
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 492 of 3934
You.... you smell :C