Teh Mine

From: JonCooper 3 Feb 2011 20:57
To: koswix 356 of 3934
was a fair bit faster, but that's comparative, it's not right
From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 20:58
To: JonCooper 357 of 3934
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 Feb 2011 21:11
To: koswix 358 of 3934
Is it definitely all 64-bit, or does allocating 3GB mean it's doing lots of swap disking?

Would definitely try setting it to same, and also double-checking that there's no other changes.
From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 21:20
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 359 of 3934

Back to old settings, back to old JVM (was running on the 64bit JVM), and it's just as bad.


What. The. Fuck.

From: ANT_THOMAS 3 Feb 2011 21:21
To: koswix 360 of 3934
I was going to say before you did the new Windows install you should probably do it on a different drive/partition so you could revert back :$
From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 21:23
To: ANT_THOMAS 361 of 3934
Shut up.
From: JonCooper 3 Feb 2011 21:37
To: koswix 362 of 3934
I have been having problems playing singleplayer as well, is it possible this could be a minecraft thing?
From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 21:37
To: ALL363 of 3934

Was it running OK last night?


I'm struggling to even log in from my laptop now, getting a timeout (took too long to connect).


The PC is sitting at 2% CPU usage, nothing else running.



From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 22:08
To: JonCooper 364 of 3934
What kind of problems?
From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 22:09
To: JonCooper 365 of 3934

Singleplayer is OK for me.


This is really odd.

From: JonCooper 3 Feb 2011 22:16
To: koswix 366 of 3934
ah - I rebooted my Pc and now singleplayer is fine, sorry
From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 22:17
To: JonCooper 367 of 3934



Anyone else got any ideas to try?

From: JonCooper 3 Feb 2011 22:18
To: koswix 368 of 3934
jake is logged into the server now and has no lag at all
From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 22:20
To: JonCooper 369 of 3934



Caer was saying someting similar.


Are chunks loading propperly for him?

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 3 Feb 2011 22:23
To: koswix 370 of 3934
If it's not yet fixed itself, try making a new world and see if that runs any better.
From: JonCooper 3 Feb 2011 22:24
To: koswix 371 of 3934
seemed to take a while for it to all settle, had 3-4 goes at 'dropping into place' but then it was working well - untill his brother asked to borow the laptop and jake left
From: JonCooper 3 Feb 2011 22:26
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 372 of 3934
do you think it could be too much data?
someone walked MILES towards the south-west
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 3 Feb 2011 22:32
To: JonCooper 373 of 3934
Nah, I mean that will have some impact but it wouldn't just ramp up like this. It should technically have no/negligible impact because the server is only sending the clients the blocks around them, regardless of where those blocks happen to be. Generating that terrain in the first place will use a lot of CPU etc., but in a way exploring the map prevents that happening so much - it'd be happening all the time on a new map.

I'm just thinking the files got corrupted during the move or something. Or maybe they're just really fragmented (although again that shouldn't ramp up this quick either). It's unlikely but if everything else on the PC is running fine then those files become suspect.

Did you try single player on that same PC kos? If that's fine then maybe shut the server off and point single player at the multiplayer world - rule out problems with the files.

Does this seem more like a file thing or a networking thing?
From: steve 3 Feb 2011 22:48
To: ALL374 of 3934
Just to add another report - very slow here too, not loading all of the blocks ( I fell out of my cave :C )
From: PNCOOL 3 Feb 2011 23:02
To: koswix 375 of 3934
I can't even connect to it now, have you taken it down?