Teh Mine

From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 20:25
To: PNCOOL 353 of 3934
Yeah, something's not right :/
From: PNCOOL 3 Feb 2011 20:34
To: koswix 354 of 3934
Still, on the up-side you get to see where all the caves are underground.
From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 20:49
To: PNCOOL 355 of 3934

Right, rebooted, back to running it from disk and using the old config file from before the reinstall.


Still running like a pig. The only change is that it's allocated 3GB of RAM, perhaps it's got too much? :\

From: JonCooper 3 Feb 2011 20:57
To: koswix 356 of 3934
was a fair bit faster, but that's comparative, it's not right
From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 20:58
To: JonCooper 357 of 3934
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 Feb 2011 21:11
To: koswix 358 of 3934
Is it definitely all 64-bit, or does allocating 3GB mean it's doing lots of swap disking?

Would definitely try setting it to same, and also double-checking that there's no other changes.
From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 21:20
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 359 of 3934

Back to old settings, back to old JVM (was running on the 64bit JVM), and it's just as bad.


What. The. Fuck.

From: ANT_THOMAS 3 Feb 2011 21:21
To: koswix 360 of 3934
I was going to say before you did the new Windows install you should probably do it on a different drive/partition so you could revert back :$
From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 21:23
To: ANT_THOMAS 361 of 3934
Shut up.
From: JonCooper 3 Feb 2011 21:37
To: koswix 362 of 3934
I have been having problems playing singleplayer as well, is it possible this could be a minecraft thing?
From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 21:37
To: ALL363 of 3934

Was it running OK last night?


I'm struggling to even log in from my laptop now, getting a timeout (took too long to connect).


The PC is sitting at 2% CPU usage, nothing else running.



From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 22:08
To: JonCooper 364 of 3934
What kind of problems?
From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 22:09
To: JonCooper 365 of 3934

Singleplayer is OK for me.


This is really odd.

From: JonCooper 3 Feb 2011 22:16
To: koswix 366 of 3934
ah - I rebooted my Pc and now singleplayer is fine, sorry
From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 22:17
To: JonCooper 367 of 3934



Anyone else got any ideas to try?

From: JonCooper 3 Feb 2011 22:18
To: koswix 368 of 3934
jake is logged into the server now and has no lag at all
From: koswix 3 Feb 2011 22:20
To: JonCooper 369 of 3934



Caer was saying someting similar.


Are chunks loading propperly for him?

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 3 Feb 2011 22:23
To: koswix 370 of 3934
If it's not yet fixed itself, try making a new world and see if that runs any better.
From: JonCooper 3 Feb 2011 22:24
To: koswix 371 of 3934
seemed to take a while for it to all settle, had 3-4 goes at 'dropping into place' but then it was working well - untill his brother asked to borow the laptop and jake left
From: JonCooper 3 Feb 2011 22:26
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 372 of 3934
do you think it could be too much data?
someone walked MILES towards the south-west