Teh Mine

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)18 Dec 2011 23:08
To: graphitone 3379 of 3934
Well I probably wouldn't complain if it was turned off (either globally or selectively), but I wouldn't vote in favour of doing so either.

I was initially opposed to the idea, but the way it's been implemented isn't actually that bad; makes it more of a challenge than a chore.

You don't actually need to eat - it stops you auto-regenerating, but if you completely starve yourself, you will simply go down to half health and ... that it's - it doesn't (afaik) affect you in any other way.
So if you're concentrating on building, you can just ignore it, and it doesn't really matter (unless you like regularly jumping off things and hurting yourself).

Creating a wheat farm to effectively get an endless supply of bread isn't a big deal, and food stacks in your inventory now so it's easy to carry a bunch around.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)18 Dec 2011 23:10
To: graphitone 3380 of 3934
Also, if the old map stays active, perhaps it could be turned into a full creative world, if there are people that want that?

(So long as any link between the two prevents transferring of inventories.)
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)19 Dec 2011 00:08
To: ANT_THOMAS 3381 of 3934

Can silvester3 be added to the whitelist? I won't say plx this time Peter. :P


I like the current setup (no mobs but not full creative) but adding mobs would be okay, as long as they were scaled back a bit somehow. I find it irritating to get up after one night on survival mode and find half a dozen creepers still wandering around. :( I've heard of servers where they play with no explosions, making creepers pretty much harmless but not mitigating the danger of other mobs, plus explosions destroy stuff you've made and that sucks.


As for a new map, I wouldn't be against it but I haven't actually built much of any size so I'd rather leave any decision to people people who've made stuff like the citadel. It would help fix the weird cutoffs between terrain generated in the old and new engines though. If the old map can be maintained alongside a new one that would be ideal.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)19 Dec 2011 00:53
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 3382 of 3934
I'm going to get a tad pedantic for a moment:
The current setup has mobs, because "mob" means "mobile" - i.e. any moving creature (or "NPC" then).

What it doesn't have are hostile mobs. (Well, it has wolves, who are sheep-hostile and attack players if provoked; and it doesn't have endermen who are neutral unless looked at, but "hostile mobs" or "monsters" is sufficiently descriptive/accurate in this context - simply saying "mobs" is not.)

Nerfing the monsters is stupid - you might as well disable them entirely - a creeper explosion destroys at most 5³ blocks, so it's not a lot of effort to re-build.

But anyway, that's the point of my safe zone suggestion - to prevent hostile spawning without having to place torches everywhere. You can add explosion protection to that zone too, if you're really wimpy, and paranoid someone might lead a creeper back. :P

Even if it's not feasible to run multiple maps on the server (i.e. insufficient hardware), the old one can be archived and probably even made available as a download, so nobody has to worry about their old creations. (Would be nice if they could both be run side-by-side though, so people allergic to monsters can use the old one :P)
EDITED: 19 Dec 2011 00:55 by BOUGHTONP
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)19 Dec 2011 01:19
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3383 of 3934
I actually put "no hostile mobs" at first but thought it sounded too pedantic. :((

I actually meant scaled back in terms of numbers, not potency (except for creepers). I don't mind having mobs but I'd like some kind of distinction between inhabited/built up areas and 'the wilderness' without having to plant torches everywhere. A set safe zone wouldn't be particularly elegant since people would always be expanding beyond it.

I would like to have enemies as a way to gather resources, mainly bones, but I don't like the idea of exploring/mining and getting knocked into lava by a creeper. :<
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)19 Dec 2011 01:31
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 3384 of 3934
One extra word can never be too pedantic. :P

A set safe zone wouldn't be particularly elegant since people would always be expanding beyond it.

No, because the safe zone would be sufficiently large to avoid that, and with that plugin I found, it can be expanded in-game. (Or new zones created, for people wanting remote colonies.)

I would like to have enemies as a way to gather resources, mainly bones, but I don't like the idea of exploring/mining and getting knocked into lava by a creeper.

From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)19 Dec 2011 01:51
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3385 of 3934
Hey, getting killed and losing tools/diamonds/obsidian to lava is annoying enough when it's my own stupid fault, if it was entirely down to the game being a bastard I'd get /really/ pissed. :C
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)19 Dec 2011 01:59
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 3386 of 3934
You don't lose your items if you are killed - they get scattered on the ground, ready for you to go collect.

(It's only the falling in lava that destroys them normally - the solution to which is stay away from lava.)
EDITED: 19 Dec 2011 02:00 by BOUGHTONP
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)19 Dec 2011 02:04
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3387 of 3934
I know that, but there is often valuable stuff near lava and an explosion that can destroy 5 blocks in all directions has a fairly decent chance of revealing lava if you're deep enough.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)19 Dec 2011 02:33
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 3388 of 3934
If you're going underground to mine diamond or obsidian then PLACE TORCHES.

It's a good idea to help you find your way out anyway.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)19 Dec 2011 02:49
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 3389 of 3934
(All of this is only an issue if it's not possible to run multiple maps on the server. If it is possible, I can have my exciting proper survival mode and you can stay with the current boring map.)
From: graphitone19 Dec 2011 10:51
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3390 of 3934

Not sure which version you're playing, but currently when you're low on food you get your avatar grunting every 3 seconds as though someone's clubbing him over the head and the view skews off to one side as though someone's clubbing him over the head. :C


This may be down to the regeneration - you lose some health due to hunger, then goes back up again, not sure if it still does that at half health. :?



EDITED: 19 Dec 2011 10:52 by GRAPHITONE
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)19 Dec 2011 14:41
To: graphitone 3391 of 3934
wtf are you waffling on about?

quote: minecraftwiki
When the Food Bar is at 0 points, your health will deplete at the same rate it would regenerate when at or above 90%. On Easy difficulty, the player's health stops dropping at 5 hearts
From: ANT_THOMAS19 Dec 2011 14:44
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3392 of 3934
And we have a slow health mod on which recharged health or something, or slows the rate of depletion.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)19 Dec 2011 14:46
To: ANT_THOMAS 3393 of 3934
Is that a mod, or because it's set to peaceful?
From: ANT_THOMAS19 Dec 2011 14:59
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3394 of 3934
A plugin.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)19 Dec 2011 15:08
To: ANT_THOMAS 3395 of 3934
Oh that was the one to stop people drowning/burning?

So it allows you to jump out of lava (if quick enough), and therefor Oscar doesn't need to worry about losing diamonds?
From: ANT_THOMAS19 Dec 2011 15:14
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3396 of 3934
Depends how deep the lava is, how quick you are, but it certainly helps. I think it slows down the speed your health depletes.

It seems the plugin is far more advanced than it used to be

quote: SlowHealth
- Adds health (configurable) every second (configurable) to players on the server.
- Can hurt player if you make regen-amount negative
- Can set maximum amount SlowHealth will heal the player by
- Can set minimum amount SlowHealth will stop hurting the player by (if you set regen-amount to less than 0
- Can set the starting altitude that slow health with start working
- Multi-world support
- Permissions support
EDITED: 19 Dec 2011 15:14 by ANT_THOMAS
From: ANT_THOMAS19 Dec 2011 16:12
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 3397 of 3934
Forgot to add your friend, done it now.
From: graphitone19 Dec 2011 16:17
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3398 of 3934

That's fine, but the health on Teh Server auto regenerates - so you lose half a heart to hunger when the food bar reaches 0, and then immediately regenerates, so never actually gets to the half way mark where it stops dropping.


'Cos of the regeneration you constantly keep losing half a heart along with the grunting sound and annoying screen tilt that happens when you take damage.

