Teh Mine

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)25 Jan 2011 11:54
To: patch 31 of 3934
If you know what you want, ask Kos nicely to produce the map and send you a 500KB image instead?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)25 Jan 2011 11:55
To: koswix 32 of 3934
In fact, if it's not too server intensive, could one be auto-produced every hour/day/whatever?
From: koswix25 Jan 2011 11:59
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 33 of 3934

I wouldn't trust anything online about the server unless it's from Mojang/Notch himself.


The server code is not optimised at all and does some really stupid things.

From: koswix25 Jan 2011 12:00
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 34 of 3934
Aye, the Backup Plugin i'm using is meant to create a PNG of the world map when it does the backups, but I haven't installed the map plugin that actually lets it do that yet. I'll go about doing that now.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)25 Jan 2011 12:00
To: koswix 35 of 3934
Thank you for running this for us (hug)
From: koswix25 Jan 2011 12:08
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 36 of 3934

You're welcome :)


Seems daft not to - all my PC is used for these days is listening to iPlayer in bed and burning DVDs. It may as well get some use :D

From: koswix25 Jan 2011 12:10
To: ALL37 of 3934
I've just been reading about an admin plugin with corresponding Android app that lets you admin the server remotely :D
From: Mouse25 Jan 2011 12:14
To: ALL38 of 3934
Ahhhh hahaha, I wanted to make a pit in the middle of my maze with lava in it and I've just burnt my entire maze down. Including all the green wool (XEN! :@) which took me all of last night to make.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)25 Jan 2011 12:15
To: Mouse 39 of 3934

Oh mousey (hugleft)
From: Mouse25 Jan 2011 12:16
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 40 of 3934
OK, so how do I contain lava?
From: koswix25 Jan 2011 12:20
To: Mouse 41 of 3934



Wool is flammable. HTH

From: koswix25 Jan 2011 12:30
To: ALL42 of 3934

Jebus - the map plugin creates a 11.5MB PNG file :|


What's best to do with it? I've uploaded it to Flikr so far, but that only lets you view a 1024* 473 image, and the original is 9130*4218 :|



From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)25 Jan 2011 12:36
To: koswix 43 of 3934

Jayzus that's big :| (YJ)


I think my mine is going to need expanding :'D

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)25 Jan 2011 12:40
To: koswix 44 of 3934
Best thing would be to (this would be farrrrrrr easier on linux btw :(( ) run a small web/ftp server on the same machine and when the png is generated, automatically convert it to a fairly low (like 50% quality) jpeg and move it to the webserver. A jpeg will be a bit mooshy but it's a fair compromise between detail and size.

Fair bit of work there, obviously so maybe just do it once a week or so by hand.
From: koswix25 Jan 2011 12:41
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 45 of 3934
That's what 16,271 minecraft world files look like :|
From: koswix25 Jan 2011 12:44
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 46 of 3934
Yeah, I was thinking down that route but to it would probably make more sense if someone else could host it (either at home or on some hosting) so I only have to upload it once, as like I say bandwidth is stretched to fuck as it is :|
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)25 Jan 2011 12:47
To: koswix 47 of 3934
Yeah makes sense. Just make a batch file to ftp the image to some webspace should work.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)25 Jan 2011 12:53
To: koswix 48 of 3934
I can stick it somewhere with plenty of bandwidth.

Remind me this evening and I'll setup an account and give you the ftp details.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)25 Jan 2011 13:01
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 49 of 3934

Probably don't even need to go that far - I suspect a 75% JPEG would balance filesize/quality acceptably.


I wonder if doing a 8-bit PNG with only 64 colours might even give a good balance - just tried it on the above image and it comes out at 103KB (i.e. 40% filesize of the JPG).


There are PNG optimising utilities that can probably do that in a scripted way.

EDITED: 25 Jan 2011 13:02 by BOUGHTONP
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)25 Jan 2011 13:15
To: ALL50 of 3934