Teh Mine

From: Chris (CHRISSS)27 Jul 2011 00:22
To: JonCooper 2453 of 3934
Good idea, thanks. Should be able to find more of those.
From: ANT_THOMAS27 Jul 2011 00:27
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 2454 of 3934
And when it rains it snows on snowy areas so it regenerates. /weather storm
From: Chris (CHRISSS)27 Jul 2011 00:32
To: ANT_THOMAS 2455 of 3934
This is going to take aaaaaaaages whether I kill sheep or get snow. 4 snowbals for 1 snow block. Pff!
EDITED: 27 Jul 2011 00:40 by CHRISSS
From: JonCooper27 Jul 2011 00:41
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 2456 of 3934
just the regeneration

you have to dig snow to get snowballs then use them to make blocks
which don't seem to melt at all - I think we even set fire to one to test it
From: Chris (CHRISSS)27 Jul 2011 00:45
To: JonCooper 2457 of 3934
I just read fire, torches, water and lava have no affect on it. Not very much like real snow then.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)27 Jul 2011 01:00
To: JonCooper 2458 of 3934
Snow blocks don't melt.

Ice blocks and sheets of snow will melt from any heat source, (which basically means any light source except redstone, I think).
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON)27 Jul 2011 01:08
To: af (CAER) 2459 of 3934

Very beyond cool! That would look great as a webpage or forum background theme.



From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)27 Jul 2011 02:42
To: ALL2460 of 3934
Next post breaks a record. I'll leave it for someone more important than I.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)27 Jul 2011 04:35
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 2461 of 3934
Fuck it - I'll take the record breaking post!

When you get bored see if you can find the secret passage way in my house.
From: af (CAER)27 Jul 2011 09:15
To: DeannaG (CYBATRON) 2462 of 3934
I had it as my screensaver at Fujitsu, and it drew quite a bit of attention. There are actual physical versions of the 'wall'-style:

From: graphitone27 Jul 2011 09:16
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 2463 of 3934



Where is your house? I've yet to check this out!

From: Mikee27 Jul 2011 11:05
To: ALL2464 of 3934

Who's anonymously moaning at me via the web interface about where I'm building?


My building is not getting in the way of anyone elses buildings. I've built far enough away from the church for even the most elaborate and large garden.


Sure, I could build on the other side of the map, but really - what's the point in that?


Or have I just misunderstood and someone has claimed the entire central region of the map and nobody is allowed to build within a 20 minute walk?

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)27 Jul 2011 11:06
To: Mikee 2465 of 3934
I don't want to be a dick about this (well, any more than I actually am a dick) but.. I've asked you several times not to build shit around the citadel. I realise I don't like... own the land and everyone's free to build wherever they like. But I chose that island/peninsula - way away from spawn - to give me room to build out into. And, as I say, it's not like there's not plenty of open space to go and build in.

It's not like there's any rules or anything but if someone's started building in what is clearly a quite distinct and remote area then it probably means they either want it remote or have plans for the surroundings. It's just about courtesy for me. I'd at least ask if I wanted to build something in an obviously 'claimed' area.

Can you please just choose a spot on the map as your own and build there? There's no lack of open space. Or if you want your stuff to be in a kinda theme park area where it would actually fit in and where everyone's building next to each other then choose one of the areas where it's like that, where that's the point.
From: Mikee27 Jul 2011 11:18
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 2466 of 3934

I chose an area that seemed to be near where everyone seemed to be building - but with enough distance around me not to interfere with anyone else's stuff. I put it in the large open space between the large buildings and Jons stuff to the west.


I hadn't realised that you had claimed this entire area, and I hadn't realised that all the buildings around here were yours. This seemed to be the place of the most activity.

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)27 Jul 2011 11:24
To: Mikee 2467 of 3934
That would make sense if... I hadn't told you about 5 times.
From: Mikee27 Jul 2011 11:26
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 2468 of 3934
No, you told me you used the sand near your harvester for testing stuff - which is fair enough - i moved it, and you said the tree was in a bad place because you might extend the gardens, so I moved further out to make sure you had more than enough room to build any garden you might want to build.
EDITED: 27 Jul 2011 11:28 by MIKEE
From: Matt27 Jul 2011 11:32
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 2469 of 3934
It's a little unfair to make people walk to an area though, especially when a lot of the existing constructions are really close to the spawn. Why didn't you trudge off into the wilderness and build there, why did you conveniently choose somewhere so relatively close to the spawn to start building?

From the perspective of someone new joining the server, or just someone who is thinking about starting to build something big, it's a really, really annoying to have to wander off somewhere before you can even think about building.

Like, seriously, in the nicest way possible, fuck that.

You (by which I mean everyone, including Mikee) shouldn't be allowed to stop people from building anywhere because you might want to build something there yourself, that's very elitist and quite a shitty attitude to have. If you have plans for an area you should have to stake a claim in it by fencing it off. This will stop people from saying don't build there, no not there either, nor there, go further away, I hate you, fuck off etc.
From: ANT_THOMAS27 Jul 2011 11:41
To: Matt 2470 of 3934

It isn't that near Spawn and Drew actually specifically found an area that was away from things with suitable amounts of flat area for when him, Patch and Kev started work on the Citadel. It may look like it's near everything now but it didn't used to be, buildings have sprung up nearby.


Yeah it's difficult to know who is using what area but surely people want their own space for expansion etc so why not have a wander elsewhere. The map is there for a reason so you can see what's about, where's flat, where the water is, you can see the railway on it to see how easy it is to get to.


If you feel out of the way build a railway and ask Kev nicely to connect it to the mainline and he'll do the job.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)27 Jul 2011 11:52
To: ALL2471 of 3934

I agree with Matt's final bit. If you want to claim an area there needs to be an obvious boundary - it's why I used a fence and put torches round the coast.


(FWIW, I wandered about then found a large unused area; didn't realise it was as close to spawn as it is.)


However, new people also shouldn't be afraid to explore further out. Once you find an area, /home lets you get there *instantly* (excluding lag), nether gates can do it quickly (talk to HardWork), and tracks are relatively easy to build too.

EDITED: 27 Jul 2011 11:54 by BOUGHTONP
From: Matt27 Jul 2011 11:58
To: ANT_THOMAS 2472 of 3934
It's relatively close though, that was kinda my point.

You're asking people who haven't yet made a stake on any land or built anything (i.e. me) to basically bugger off somewhere miles away in case they build somewhere someone else had earmarked (and possibly not told anyone else about) and then if I do find a suitable spot, I or someone else has to spend time connecting it up.

That's all very well, but it's a huge sap to motivation to have to wander off for 10~20 minutes to make sure you don't cause conflict with someone else, and like I said it comes across very elitist. It's kinda like you can't build here because I said so, so there!

I agree that as a new builder I should be considerate of other people's future plans, but that's not easy when you don't know what their plans might include or how far out they might build. So with that in mind, those who have claimed land for future development should be considerate of my intention to build and mark out their land telling me not to use it.

That is all.