Teh Mine

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)22 Jul 2011 14:25
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 2355 of 3934
Minecart + chest = storage cart.

Although I lost a bunch of (unwanted) cobble in a storage cart recently - possibly related to a known bug in 1.7+ - so I'm not sure I'd be inclined to trust one with anything valuable.

What I'd probably do is create ten chests at spawn, then go to the old place, use /sethome then /spawn and /home to retrieve all the bits you want, then travel to the new place, /sethome again and grab all the bits.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)22 Jul 2011 14:37
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 2356 of 3934
That's probably the best solution there Peter. Thanks for that.
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Jul 2011 14:40
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 2357 of 3934
And if you didn't know Shift+Click on the item moves it quickly without having to drag.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)22 Jul 2011 14:41
To: ANT_THOMAS 2358 of 3934
I did but thanks. That makes it soooo much easier.
From: graphitone22 Jul 2011 16:07
To: ALL2359 of 3934

I'm pretty sure it's already been discussed, but I don't want to have to reread this entire thread to find it - how many blocks high can you build from 'sea level' (I'm guessing the sea level's constant throughout the map).


Got a little project that's going to be 71 blocks high and I need to know whether I need to dig down to fit it all in!

From: graphitone22 Jul 2011 16:14
To: ALL2360 of 3934

Also - how easy is black wool or wool and black dye to come across?


Does anyone have any vast stocks of the stuff?

From: ANT_THOMAS22 Jul 2011 16:15
To: graphitone 2361 of 3934
I think total height from bedrock is 128 blocks (I may be wrong). Try F3 for coords or /getpos
From: graphitone22 Jul 2011 16:24
To: ANT_THOMAS 2362 of 3934
I'll do some experimenting tonight.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)22 Jul 2011 16:32
To: graphitone 2363 of 3934
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Jul 2011 16:34
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 2364 of 3934
I like.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)22 Jul 2011 16:36
To: ALL2365 of 3934
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Jul 2011 16:38
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 2366 of 3934
What's the thing with randomly generated structures or something? (I've not read anything just what's been on here)
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)22 Jul 2011 16:38
To: ANT_THOMAS 2367 of 3934
Of course, it lies about lava, which can occur naturally at any level, and isn't guaranteed to be above bedrock.
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Jul 2011 16:40
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 2368 of 3934
Indeed, if you took that as gospel you'd die a lot when digging deep.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)22 Jul 2011 16:41
To: ANT_THOMAS 2369 of 3934
Yeah, there's going to be NPC villages, and old ruins, ravines, and lots more stuff.

No details on how any of it will affect gameplay though.

EDITED: 22 Jul 2011 16:44 by BOUGHTONP
From: af (CAER)22 Jul 2011 16:43
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 2370 of 3934
Isn't it just a 'maximum level' sort of thing?
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Jul 2011 16:44
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 2371 of 3934
Interesting, not sure if I like it. I feel things that are building-like should be user built.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)22 Jul 2011 16:47
To: af (CAER) 2372 of 3934
The maximum level for Lava is not 10.

As I wrote:
which can occur naturally at any level

There are plenty of surface-level lava lakes on the server, and I've encountered lava falls coming from at least 80 in single player a few times.
EDITED: 22 Jul 2011 16:47 by BOUGHTONP
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)22 Jul 2011 16:49
To: ANT_THOMAS 2373 of 3934
Yeah, there's a lot of uncertainty about all this - especially because they're adding so many radical changes in one go.

So long as they make sure that there are distinct Creative, Survival and Adventure modes then I think people will be happy.

If they try and merge any of those three then there will be a lot of people complaining.
From: af (CAER)22 Jul 2011 17:00
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 2374 of 3934
Really? I don't think I've ever seen natural lava at surface level :O