Sun came out in the end - must have just been lag.
Kill them!
(There's a limit to how many mobs are active at one time, and wool doesn't re-grow once removed, so get a pack of wolves and a bow and arrows and go hunting.)
Collect a load of stuff and then when you get home build something. REAL LIFE MINECRAFT!
Also you can dye the sheep and then take the wool which is a more efficient use of dye.
Too late, I'm home now. I did collect... uh, 4 buckets of water, plus sugar, plus red flowers, but can't build much out of moulded plastic and 12 litres of Coke. :(
it doesn'r rain on sand that is underwater - mad
also, I have a ton of that blue stuff if you want it
oh, and lava can fuck right off
(fell in with 3x stacks of mossy cobble)
You've got enough anyway.
actually, I don't, and I was specifically looking for more
so very hard to find - usually spot dungeons via glitches
Ah yeah, glitches and slow loading are great for spotting underground networks.
Is /time supposed to work?
Cus it doesn't. :(
Do you get an error? Are you doing day/night rather than a time?
Yea, unauthorised thingy for day.
Time is now tested and working.
That's really harsh -_-
That stuff is probably the rarest material in the game.
Are you planning to make the maze higher, so it actually works as a maze from the inside? And if so, are you planning to make alllll of it from moss stone?
hmm, is down for me. Fuck you notch.
There's tonnes of piss coming in 1.7