Teh Mine

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)23 Jun 2011 05:36
To: ANT_THOMAS 1848 of 3934
I was standing round for about an hour waiting for night to come so I could check how things looked at night before I realised... the sun keeps resetting. Always day mod? Please please please please please remove it.

Fair enough to have a time-changing mod so people can change the time if they wish (and they're basically alone on the server or everyone agrees). But.. it was perfect before. Every new mod just makes it worse. If it isn't broke... etc..
From: ANT_THOMAS23 Jun 2011 07:17
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1849 of 3934
That one has been there for ages but didn't seem to be working. I'll get rid of it since we all now have the ability to change the time.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)23 Jun 2011 07:53
To: ANT_THOMAS 1850 of 3934

From: af (CAER)23 Jun 2011 09:15
To: ALL1851 of 3934
Am I going to have to play Minecraft again now? I just installed Mass Effect last night, too :(
From: ANT_THOMAS23 Jun 2011 09:21
To: ALL1852 of 3934
AlwaysDay is now gone.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)23 Jun 2011 09:50
To: af (CAER) 1853 of 3934
Yes. You can live in my city if you like. In the outer section of course, with the peasants.
From: Mouse23 Jun 2011 10:05
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1854 of 3934
That's amazing! The building reminds me of... Oblivion I think? Some walky abouty game anyway.
From: patch23 Jun 2011 10:11
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1855 of 3934
Why did you cover up all the dirt? I was hoping for long grass all over it.
From: af (CAER)23 Jun 2011 10:30
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1856 of 3934
That looks sort of like how I imagined my castle was to look :O

I would be honoured to live within sight of such majesty.
From: ANT_THOMAS23 Jun 2011 10:39
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1857 of 3934
I can see why you were waiting for the night!
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)23 Jun 2011 10:47
To: ANT_THOMAS 1858 of 3934

Patch, decided the floor needed raising. And also grass is for outside :Y
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)23 Jun 2011 10:48
To: Mouse 1859 of 3934
And aye, while I was making i t I kept thi nk in g "this looks like Cyrodil (fail) "
From: af (CAER)23 Jun 2011 11:35
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1860 of 3934
It reminded me a bit of the city Divinity's Reach from Guild Wars 2, which was my original inspiration for my castle. I think I underestimated the scale a bit :(
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)23 Jun 2011 12:15
To: af (CAER) 1861 of 3934
Man, wish it was that big :C
From: af (CAER)23 Jun 2011 12:24
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1862 of 3934
I think to make it that big you'd have to carve out a new valley somewhere, and who would do a thing like that?
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)23 Jun 2011 12:56
To: af (CAER) 1863 of 3934

Patch :Y


Or Jon :Y


(as well as you of course :Y )


Jon's new thing is awesome :'D

EDITED: 23 Jun 2011 12:57 by X3N0PH0N
From: af (CAER)23 Jun 2011 12:58
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1864 of 3934
Ah man I'm totally jumping back on the Minecraft bandwagon tonight. ME can wait.
From: Linn (INDYLS)23 Jun 2011 14:03
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1865 of 3934

Damn. Thats pretty nice.


<is so jealous>

From: JonCooper23 Jun 2011 14:07
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1866 of 3934

which bit?

<returns to the forest, woods, copse>
EDITED: 23 Jun 2011 14:08 by JONCOOPER
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)23 Jun 2011 14:29
To: JonCooper 1867 of 3934
The big lava-centred wall that spells out your name :Y

Also, now I have towers ^___^