Teh Mine

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)27 Jan 2011 23:47
To: af (CAER) 182 of 3934
I do!

I want an aqueduct system please.

Faster than walking, no fuel required, and no iron needed.

Oh, and no confusing east/west rules to worry about.
From: koswix28 Jan 2011 00:08
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 183 of 3934
east west rules?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)28 Jan 2011 00:34
To: koswix 184 of 3934
Whatever the thing is which dictates directions at crossroads.

You always turn, and always in the same compass directions.
So not East/West, but East/South or West/South or whatever.

Should have a big lever instead, that controls a set of points.
From: JonCooper28 Jan 2011 02:03
To: koswix 185 of 3934
minecarts always turn west or south when they get to a track junction (unless you put in a slope to force them the other way)
EDITED: 28 Jan 2011 02:04 by JONCOOPER
From: koswix28 Jan 2011 02:03
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 186 of 3934

oh, i've never made a crossroads.


You can do 3 way points.

From: koswix28 Jan 2011 02:09
To: ALL187 of 3934
{{{{squared paper}}}}}
EDITED: 23 Jul 2012 18:01 by KOSWIX
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)28 Jan 2011 02:14
To: koswix 188 of 3934
I've never even built a track. :(

I think I've got one world where I did a fair bit of deep mining and got a decent amount of iron (even after building armour and buckets and stuff) - when I found out that depth actually made a difference, so I actually dug down deep - but I wasn't fond of the location of that one, so I gave up on it.

Other than that I've been mainly building/sculpting basic things, and not yet got around to doing more mines below sea-level to actually get the rarer ores.
From: koswix28 Jan 2011 02:20
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 189 of 3934
Come build on the server.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)28 Jan 2011 02:32
To: koswix 190 of 3934
msg:38140.160 :(
From: koswix28 Jan 2011 02:40
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 191 of 3934
Lunchtime at work tomorrow then. Sorted.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)28 Jan 2011 02:50
To: koswix 192 of 3934
Hah. Work network is frequently slower and laggier than 3G. :/

Not to mention there isn't a private place I could go to do it, and doing it in public I'd get shouted at for clogging the network at any time, since lunchtime can be any hour between midday and 3pm for different people.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)28 Jan 2011 02:51
To: koswix 193 of 3934
There have been times where it's been very tempting though... and if I had my back to a wall I might well have succumbed. :$
From: koswix28 Jan 2011 02:56
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 194 of 3934
From: patch28 Jan 2011 09:46
To: ALL195 of 3934
Still looks like a bloody ark.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)28 Jan 2011 10:17
To: patch 196 of 3934

From: JonCooper28 Jan 2011 10:20
To: patch 197 of 3934
I tried to jump in the hole in the middle of your canal but it all crashed and I couldn't get back :(
From: patch28 Jan 2011 10:24
To: JonCooper 198 of 3934
Sounds like you jumped into an unloaded chunk. My canal is flat and level. Any perfectly edged holes straight down to bedrock are a server bug. Logging out then back in normally persuades the server to load that chunk.
From: af (CAER)28 Jan 2011 10:32
To: ALL199 of 3934
Quick question: how good is sand at holding back water from the side?
From: JonCooper28 Jan 2011 11:02
To: patch 200 of 3934
really? twice now I've seen a perfectly square hole with water at the bottom (at least that's what it looked like) about half-way along the canal

had another elsewhere too - been wondering how the sides got so smooth
From: JonCooper28 Jan 2011 11:03
To: af (CAER) 201 of 3934
I think sand is as solid as any other block, easier to dig and falls if there's nothing below it, but stops water fine