Teh Mine

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 5 Jun 2011 14:44
To: johngti_mk-ii 1474 of 3934
I've never heard of anyone suffocating on something that small. :-O
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 5 Jun 2011 15:50
To: ALL1475 of 3934
Notch fucked up clay spawning in 1.6.6

Found 3 patches in a total of 8294 chunks. All three were small, and at same x & z coordinate. http://imgur.com/a/92COB

quote: Notch
Yeah, that would explain that.. Is it worth doing a 1.6.7 tomorrow?

Annoyingly, we *almost* have a coastline running along the x=z line, but it's just a bit out, so we have very little sand actually crossing the line, and no visible clay (though I didn't check the bay in the bottom left corner).

It is possible for clay to be underneath sand - so digging around the bottom left corner might reveal some, but probably makes far more sense for Notch to release a fix (though I doubt that will add clay to existing blocks, so it'll require exploring, particularly to the places Xen hasn't already prevented clay from being in. :P
EDITED: 5 Jun 2011 15:51 by BOUGHTONP
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 5 Jun 2011 23:45
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1476 of 3934
Ahahaha, oh dear :')

You try to help and you just make things worse :'S
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 6 Jun 2011 03:58
To: Mouse 1477 of 3934
This made me spit my beer!
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 6 Jun 2011 13:08
To: ALL1478 of 3934

Is the white list still in effect? If so can you please add:





From: ANT_THOMAS 6 Jun 2011 15:04
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 1479 of 3934
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 6 Jun 2011 15:06
To: ANT_THOMAS 1480 of 3934
You're a gentleman and a scholar.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 7 Jun 2011 00:10
To: ALL1481 of 3934
There is something that is keeping me from connecting. It must call home first or something, which is shit. I should be allowed to steal whatever I want! :-/
From: JonCooper 7 Jun 2011 08:11
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 1482 of 3934
it does authenticate the software every time you use it, which is shit when the authentication servers are offline
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 7 Jun 2011 08:28
To: JonCooper 1483 of 3934
In fairness, you can still play single player. But aye, it's a pain.
From: ANT_THOMAS 7 Jun 2011 08:31
To: ALL1484 of 3934

So it's still coping alright?


Is the alwaysday plugin working?

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 7 Jun 2011 08:35
To: ANT_THOMAS 1485 of 3934

I dunno though, not been on for long today. Katya has though so I'll ask her when she's about.


Do you like my train?
From: ANT_THOMAS 7 Jun 2011 08:37
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1486 of 3934

I've not had chance to go on :( and I won't either at work.


It's tablet day tomorrow :D

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 7 Jun 2011 08:38
To: ANT_THOMAS 1487 of 3934
omg :D

minecraft on the toilet :D
From: JonCooper 7 Jun 2011 08:40
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1488 of 3934
I'm not sure the always day thing is working, I rekon it was night earlier - your place looks quite cool at night

I do like that only minecarts can get in - no walking through the door
From: ANT_THOMAS 7 Jun 2011 08:42
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1489 of 3934
I can't wait for minecraft Android to be good!
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 7 Jun 2011 08:47
To: JonCooper 1490 of 3934
From: ANT_THOMAS 7 Jun 2011 08:48
To: JonCooper 1491 of 3934
I didn't think it was working either. Might be an old plugin.
From: Mouse 7 Jun 2011 09:23
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1492 of 3934
Have you just joined Twitter?
From: patch 7 Jun 2011 09:23
To: ALL1493 of 3934
It's an old sticking point, but is there any chance of getting kits that give you a diamond spade and pick, but nothing else? I hate having to constantly stop what I'm doing to go and find the components for new tools.