Teh Mine

From: koswix 3 Apr 2011 12:28
To: ALL1392 of 3934

For anyone that wants it...


Teh Mine setup:


Server: CraftBukkit, latest recommended build (http://ci.bukkit.org/job/dev-CraftBukkit/promotion/latest/Recommended/)


BackupPlugin - creates a RAR'd backup of the world files every 30 minutes to a seperate hard drive. keeps the 5 most recent ones.
dynmap - dynamic browser based map
Essentials - provides basic functionality like /item etc.
EssentialsChat - extends chat functionality
EssentialsGroupBridge - no idea
EssentialsGroupManager - permissions management for players
EssentialsProtect - anti-griefing stuff
EssentialsServerlist - multi-server support
EssentialsSpawn - errr, think that allows each player to hav ea custom spawn point or something
HeroicDeath - "fun" messages when people die "JonCooper fell to his death" etc.
MinecartMania Complete - the 9 plugins that are included in the complete download on their page, makes mine carts fun
MobileAdmin - lets me admin the server via the MobileAdmin app on android market
WorldEdit - makes huge wooly spheres that stop Jon logging in when set on fire :$


The plugins should all be found here: http://plugins.bukkit.org/#ti=&ta=all&au=


I think the cock up last time I updated stuff was because Essentials has been changed -I think all the Essentials stuff which was seperate mods is now in one mod (which most of it should have been anyway tbh).

EDITED: 3 Apr 2011 12:34 by KOSWIX
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 3 Apr 2011 13:10
To: koswix 1393 of 3934
This isn't intended to be as critical as it might sound, but...

My falloff in interest in playing on the server is partly down to the number of mods. It's just a bit overwhelming and feels a bit too cheaty now. I know of course that I don't have to use them but... I will. And everyone else will be. The only real achievement comes from the scale of the project, which in itself kinda becomes offputting.

I may well be alone in this, I dunno.
From: koswix 3 Apr 2011 13:17
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1394 of 3934

Which ones? I've just deleted WorldEdit as I only installed it for clearing the Eden project area, and it was out of date now with 1.4


I quite like MineCartMania as it makes minecarts useful, but still requires you to actually think about how you're doing the carts and stuff.


Essentials is really no different to what we had with hey0 previously, i suppose it might have a bit more functionality but not anything that I personally use much (except occasionaly god mode when playing with lava :$ )


I'm up for changing things up, though. I think i've worked out kits with the new stuff, so we could try turning off item cheats and just having a tool kit for a bit.


I was also thinking that with the grieing tools in Essentials I could protect the existing buildings and then turn creepers and stuff on properly without fear of all our hard work being sssssttttt'd to death by them.

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 3 Apr 2011 13:32
To: koswix 1395 of 3934
Yeah god mode bothers me. I mean replenishing health is fine but falling off tall stuff should always kill you because it's funny :( Same for lava. And item cheating... I kinda feel both ways about that. The big projects would be impossible without it but... it also takes some of the fun/satisfaction out of it.

Ideally I'd like an economy but that realllly needs a lot for regular players and interest generally seems to be waning a bit.

I think we all kinda got bored of just building stuff for the sake of it. It's a lotttt of fun for a while but it has a limit. I dunno what the solution is though. It's a shame the game doesn't really have a mechanic for /useful/ buildings where we could all work together on something that actually had a function, y'know?

Maybe it's time to graduate to Wurm Online :Y
From: koswix 3 Apr 2011 13:40
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1396 of 3934
Yeah, I rarely have any inspiration to build stuff these days. Perhaps I shall turn the server off for a bit and see what folks want to do after a week or so :|
From: ANT_THOMAS 3 Apr 2011 13:41
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1397 of 3934

I think using the old idea of builders, crafters and miners would be good. We don't as such need an economy but just be like...


Builder - I need some of this block.
Miner - I've got some in my chest, or, I'll go mine you some.

From: ANT_THOMAS 3 Apr 2011 13:42
To: koswix 1398 of 3934
No, leave it on. I want to play now since I'm actually free!
From: koswix 3 Apr 2011 13:43
To: ANT_THOMAS 1399 of 3934
From: JonCooper 3 Apr 2011 14:39
To: ANT_THOMAS 1400 of 3934
back when we started I built half my arched thing with real mined blocks, and jake made all the torches he gave to Drew for the trees

now it's all a bit too easy and I run out of ideas quickly
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 3 Apr 2011 14:39
To: koswix 1401 of 3934
Let's divide everyone into two teams and have a war :Y
From: JonCooper 3 Apr 2011 16:02
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1402 of 3934
have to admit, I did laugh loads when we had a bow and arrow battle
and later when I had another battle with Kos

and when someone (Kos & ?) sneaked up and TNTed me while I was watching Patch
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 3 Apr 2011 16:16
To: JonCooper 1403 of 3934
That was fun, aye :D
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 Apr 2011 19:57
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1404 of 3934
What sort of war?
From: patch 3 Apr 2011 20:06
To: JonCooper 1405 of 3934
You were watching me? I feel all dirty, now.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 Apr 2011 20:53
To: koswix 1406 of 3934
Did you turn it off?

Getting timeout when trying to connect (both to server and dynamic map).
From: JonCooper 3 Apr 2011 21:20
To: patch 1407 of 3934
hah, I posted a picture at the time - you were building the tunnel in a section that was glitched out for me
From: koswix 3 Apr 2011 21:32
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1408 of 3934
It's probably fallen over. I'm not in to fix it, either :(
From: JonCooper16 Apr 2011 15:59
To: koswix 1409 of 3934
which tuesday ?
From: ANT_THOMAS16 Apr 2011 16:16
To: ALL1410 of 3934
What Jon said.
From: koswix16 Apr 2011 17:00
To: JonCooper 1411 of 3934
The Tuesday when the temperature drops and my room doesn't turn into a sauna with my pc on :$