Teh Mine

From: koswix30 Mar 2011 17:38
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1362 of 3934
4th, 5th, 6th or 7th. Who knows? Depends when my liver packs in I suppose.
From: ANT_THOMAS30 Mar 2011 17:41
To: koswix 1363 of 3934



I won't play tonight then.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Mar 2011 17:41
To: koswix 1364 of 3934
Where you going?
From: zenechka30 Mar 2011 17:49
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1365 of 3934

Minecraft for me is a game about building stuff.


I can't build when there are monsters :<
They don't appreciate my buildings. :-D

From: koswix30 Mar 2011 19:21
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1366 of 3934
From: koswix30 Mar 2011 19:21
To: zenechka 1367 of 3934
Creepers appreciate art, but they have no arms to express their love :((
From: zenechka30 Mar 2011 19:40
To: koswix 1368 of 3934

so they just explode :<
poor guys

From: koswix30 Mar 2011 21:12
To: zenechka 1369 of 3934
Art rage :(
From: JonCooper30 Mar 2011 22:49
To: koswix 1370 of 3934
I was on sometime recently - last night maybe - wouldn't let me stay connected for more than a few mins

I fell in some lava, realised I couldn't find my way back so had to use /back then try to jump out of the lava and put the fire out - took me about 6 tries :(
From: koswix30 Mar 2011 23:14
To: JonCooper 1371 of 3934
I was converting a bunch of mp3s to mb4s over night :$
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)30 Mar 2011 23:25
To: zenechka 1372 of 3934
Hello (cheer)

Since you're in my house anyway, and not leaving (sounds familiar), maybe you could work out who stole my cake.
From: af (CAER)31 Mar 2011 10:51
To: ALL1373 of 3934
I would like to know when the Nether will be accessible in multiplayer. I would not mind so much going there if I was with some other people. Going there alone is too frightening :((
From: ANT_THOMAS31 Mar 2011 11:08
To: af (CAER) 1374 of 3934

I've never really played single player so not been yet :(


I was upset that after I built a portal on Teh Mine I couldn't get to the Nether.

From: af (CAER)31 Mar 2011 11:09
To: ANT_THOMAS 1375 of 3934
You should go, it's terrifying :D

(moreso if you don't have a bow and arrows :$ )
From: koswix31 Mar 2011 15:45
To: af (CAER) 1376 of 3934
It is available - its either or though.
From: af (CAER)31 Mar 2011 15:52
To: koswix 1377 of 3934
Eh? You mean if we have Nether we can't have monsters?
From: koswix31 Mar 2011 16:05
To: af (CAER) 1378 of 3934
No, if we have nether we can't have normal world.
From: ANT_THOMAS31 Mar 2011 16:21
To: koswix 1379 of 3934

Any chance you can give me a list of the mods you're using on Teh server?


Might set up a server up at home for me to play on instead of using Single player mode.

From: koswix31 Mar 2011 16:32
To: ANT_THOMAS 1380 of 3934

Yes, but not til I go home and check :D


Main ones are: craftbukkit for the server and essentials 2.1 which gives most if the regular functions you use like item and warp etc.

From: ANT_THOMAS31 Mar 2011 16:43
To: koswix 1381 of 3934

Okie doke, that should get me started I guess!


I've got a feeling my normal server will probably fall over (1.5 GHz P4 1GB RAM) when I try it properly. Minecraft server was complaining of load issues when I just ran it and connected on my own, no mods.