Teh Mine

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)16 Mar 2011 00:58
To: koswix 1248 of 3934
Cool. I found a picture suggesting I got the front bit wrong though. :(

It's more of a flattened W than the current squashed V, but then that's just a cartoony picture so want to find a photo to see what it's actually like.
From: koswix16 Mar 2011 02:19
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1249 of 3934
EDITED: 23 Jul 2012 18:00 by KOSWIX
From: Chris (CHRISSS)16 Mar 2011 09:04
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1250 of 3934
I agree. I could do with a bigger house first though, or maybe a smaller daughter.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)16 Mar 2011 09:06
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1251 of 3934
I hadn't considered the fact that you would (obviously) want North facing North. Was trying to see if it would fit in some way without making the hole bigger.
From: ANT_THOMAS16 Mar 2011 09:58
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 1252 of 3934
Yeah I couldn't care less about direction. It screwed my view of the map when we went from Kos generating the maps to the live map because they're in different directions. I tend not to have an idea of orientation when I'm playing anyway.
From: koswix16 Mar 2011 19:28
To: ALL1253 of 3934

You may have noticed that Teh Mine is not online :(


I shut it down last night about 3am because there was no one playing and the noise was bugging me, and this morning when I tried to boot it up it says that BOOTMGR IS MISSING.


Should be a simple fix - run repair from the Windows 7 disc, or BOOTREC or whatever. Except the Windows 7 disc says "This version of Windows Recovery Options is not compatible with the version of Windows installed".


:( The disc, which is the install disc, is a dual x86 and x64 disc, but seems it only wants to use the x86 repair tools.


I'm trying to download an x64 only iso just now, but it's taking ages and I have to go out about half an hour ago :((

From: ANT_THOMAS16 Mar 2011 19:37
To: koswix 1254 of 3934

God you're a rubbish server admin. How much are we paying you again?



From: koswix16 Mar 2011 19:42
To: ANT_THOMAS 1255 of 3934

Screw you, hippy :C



From: ANT_THOMAS16 Mar 2011 19:46
To: koswix 1256 of 3934
And you keep bragging about your super fast cable internet, get that fucking Win 7 ISO downloaded QUICKER!!!
From: koswix16 Mar 2011 20:06
To: ANT_THOMAS 1257 of 3934

It's not my fault that the rest of the internet hasn't got a connection like mine :C


I downloaded a combine x86 and x64 iso (couldn't find the original one at first) in about 20 minutes earlier, but there's fewer seeds ont eh x64 only one :(

From: steve17 Mar 2011 00:55
To: koswix 1258 of 3934
If you're struggling to find one, I have a MSDN Windows 7 64-bit ISO that I could burn and send to you. It's a legal one so you couldn't install without a key, but it might have the bits you need?
From: koswix17 Mar 2011 01:14
To: steve 1259 of 3934
Should be downloaded by tomorrow,.but ta luv x.
From: koswix17 Mar 2011 21:09
To: ALL1260 of 3934

Mother /fuckers/.


I've download /two/ Win7 x64 ISOs, and both of them have been fucked about with so much by the script-kiddy cunts that uploaded them that you can't access the fucking recovery tools. Whatever boot option you choose from the F8 menu it automatically goes into the installer at the choose which disk/partition to install on.


/Dicks/ :@

From: Matt17 Mar 2011 21:39
To: koswix 1261 of 3934

Try this: http://neosmart.net/blog/2009/windows-7-system-repair-discs/

It's just the recovery mode, so it's only 165MB, but I presume you should be able to use it to repair the installation.

From: koswix17 Mar 2011 21:40
To: Matt 1262 of 3934
eeeh, ta. Downloading now :(
From: koswix17 Mar 2011 22:05
To: Matt 1263 of 3934



Worked, server is back up \o/

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)17 Mar 2011 22:08
To: ALL1264 of 3934
Hah! (old I'd guess?)
From: koswix17 Mar 2011 22:25
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 1265 of 3934



Hadn't seen it.

From: Chris (CHRISSS)17 Mar 2011 22:57
To: koswix 1266 of 3934
About time :P
From: koswix17 Mar 2011 23:08
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 1267 of 3934