Teh Mine

From: koswix 7 Mar 2011 11:39
To: ANT_THOMAS 1099 of 3934
From: koswix 7 Mar 2011 11:43
To: Mouse 1100 of 3934
From: Mouse 7 Mar 2011 12:51
To: koswix 1101 of 3934
Cheers love.
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 7 Mar 2011 22:37
To: ALL1102 of 3934
I've just realised that, over its course, I've read this whole thread despite not even purchasing the game.
From: Voltane 7 Mar 2011 22:41
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 1103 of 3934

Same here.


It's interesting, and a free way of enjoying the game. :)

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 8 Mar 2011 08:42
To: ALL1104 of 3934



The other day, while excavating the pool, I decided to enlarge a cave which had to be hollowed out anyway. So I put a load of TNT inside it, and I was finishing, the corner of my virtual eye caught a little flame in a corner. "That's odd" I thought, "I didn't light anything on fire".


Of course it took me slightly longer than I needed to RUN AWAY!!¬"! to realise that there was lava below or right next to the cave which caused the TNT to light on fire and start detonating therefore setting off a chain reaction and blowing me to bits :C

EDITED: 8 Mar 2011 09:26 by NUKKLEAR
From: JonCooper 8 Mar 2011 09:38
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 1105 of 3934
hehehe - been there, done that, always exciting

also, I was blowing away tree stumps the other day when jake wandered up to see what I was up to - he was NOT happy...
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 8 Mar 2011 11:43
To: JonCooper 1106 of 3934
From: ANT_THOMAS 8 Mar 2011 11:59
To: ALL1107 of 3934
Could just be me (work VPN) but is anyone else timing out right now?
From: JonCooper 8 Mar 2011 12:04
To: ANT_THOMAS 1108 of 3934
just tried, I get timed out too, not just you
From: ANT_THOMAS 8 Mar 2011 12:07
To: JonCooper 1109 of 3934
Yeah, pinging times out too. Looks like I'll have to do some work then.
From: spinning_plates 9 Mar 2011 00:16
To: JonCooper 1110 of 3934
I tried swimming up from the bottom of the pool. It didn't work.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 9 Mar 2011 00:36
To: ALL1111 of 3934
Did we decide if we're going to go after Eden Project, or do some other big project?
From: JonCooper 9 Mar 2011 00:56
To: spinning_plates 1112 of 3934
there is air trapped under some steps & some glowstone, dunno if it would help
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 9 Mar 2011 01:11
To: JonCooper 1113 of 3934
Not sure which glowstone you're referring to - the ones in the middle by the glass window don't - although you do get your bubbles refreshed if you kiss the bottom, but that's just an illusion, and you soon start drowning. :S

There is a pillar of air created by the ladder in the nearest corner, which does let you get down to the bottom though.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 9 Mar 2011 21:21
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1114 of 3934
Teh Eden Project Project!

If we want to do a 1:1 replica (or at least begin with something the right scale, even if the end result is nothing like it), we need an area at least 450x450 blocks. (I'd prefer 600x750 to include a bit of the surrounding area.)

For comparison, the swimming pool (building) is 100x100 blocks ( I'm assuming; I only counted roughly :P )

That's a pretty big area we'd need to clear - though unlike the swimming pool we don't need to dig all the way down.
Going ~16 blocks below sea level would be enough, though maybe a few more than that might look better.

So. Are people wanting to be doing that?

Also, do people want to aim for completion by 17th March (the tenth anniversary of full site opening), which basically gives us a week?
From: JonCooper 9 Mar 2011 21:32
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1115 of 3934
not convinced it could be done in a week, especially as minecraft.net seems to be down (again)

I find the clearing part enjoyable, so I'm up for that, but I don't know I'd be much help on dome construction etc.

are you planning to get all the elevations etc right too?
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 9 Mar 2011 21:37
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1116 of 3934
Given the diameter, is 16 blocks below sea level enough to build the dome properly, or will it hit the ceiling?
From: ANT_THOMAS 9 Mar 2011 21:49
To: JonCooper 1117 of 3934
I'm probably the same! I'll happily clear lots of ground.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 9 Mar 2011 21:59
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 1118 of 3934
I didn't pluck 16 out of thin air you know. :P

The whole Eden Project site is ~450m² - most of which is outdoor gardens and assorted buildings - the two biodomes are only about 1/6th of that space combined.

The largest dome is 55m high.

Bedrock = 0..4, sea level = 64 and invisible ceiling = 128

The reason for dropping 16 is:
a) to stop the tip of the big one from reaching cloud level and looking crap.
b) the site is an old quarry, so is actually in a dip in the ground anyway.

Technically, to be accurate, we should probably be around 30..40m above sea level, and then drop a certain amount down from that - but that's probably taking things a bit too far. :)
EDITED: 9 Mar 2011 22:03 by BOUGHTONP