Teh Mine

From: Matt 5 Mar 2011 17:57
To: koswix 1060 of 3934
Might want to get the server online first ;)

(It died while I was doing the roof earlier)
From: JonCooper 5 Mar 2011 17:58
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1061 of 3934
There'll be maps showing the paths inside the domes.

surprisingly, not great maps
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 5 Mar 2011 18:19
To: JonCooper 1062 of 3934
Pfah! Assuming the PDF is just a larger version of this*, it's good enough.

(*and now the blasted wifi is working again, I can see it is)

Well, good enough for me, in that it orders my memories of the place, so if you like I'll volunteer for doing that bit.
Once there's enough space there shouldn't be any problems.
From: koswix 5 Mar 2011 18:30
To: Matt 1063 of 3934

S'back up.


I'm off to Glasgow in a minute to see Russell Howard, so if it goes down again between now and about midnight you're screwed :P

From: Matt 5 Mar 2011 18:41
To: koswix 1064 of 3934
And down again.

Oh well, have fun at Russell Howard!
From: koswix 5 Mar 2011 18:47
To: Matt 1065 of 3934



Perhaps try not to use the jump command so much, every time it stops responding the last set of commands are a lot of jumps. I think it's running our of memory and not knowing what to do with itself :|

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 5 Mar 2011 19:04
To: koswix 1066 of 3934

Mostly Matt I think, I did a little while I was doing the walkway.


Someone (Mouse?) could put rails on the skyways. Mmm, rails.

From: Matt 5 Mar 2011 19:08
To: koswix 1067 of 3934



Edit: Now minecraft.net is down. (fail)

EDITED: 5 Mar 2011 19:10 by MATT
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 5 Mar 2011 22:13
To: ALL1068 of 3934
If I press something (possibly shift-F2 instead of just F2) I get the screen flickering for ages before it tells me its saved huge_2011-03-05_21.09.05.tga - which is 1.8GB in size.

What is that?

I don't have anything willing to even try opening a file that size. :S
From: JonCooper 5 Mar 2011 22:18
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1069 of 3934

TGA file format referred and as TARGA file format, is a raster graphic file format





EDITED: 5 Mar 2011 22:19 by JONCOOPER
From: Mouse 5 Mar 2011 22:40
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1070 of 3934

Most commonly used in Jamaica raster files.



From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 5 Mar 2011 22:45
To: JonCooper 1071 of 3934
I know that - I meant what's the image? (Or what's it supposed to be?)

A screenshot shouldn't be more than 1920x1200 - at 32 bits per pixel, that's in the region of 9MB, not 1800MB

I just did a quick script to read in the start of the file, and the header information (stuff that says how wide/high the image is and so on) seems to be blank, and after that it just repeats $=J$=J$= for a long time - spot checks in the rest of the file shows other random three-character sequences later.

Trying to read the whole file results in a memory error whatever I use (irfanview can normally load anything and it complains) - I'm pretty sure that tga viewer would do the same, unless you know it can handle huge files?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 5 Mar 2011 22:47
To: Mouse 1072 of 3934
You're going to have to explain that - I can't work out wtf you're on about. :(
From: Kriv 5 Mar 2011 23:03
To: ALL1073 of 3934
Can you use the web version on the minecraft site or do you have to spend money to join Tehserver?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 5 Mar 2011 23:21
To: Kriv 1074 of 3934
To join Teh Mine server you have to spend €15 buying Minecraft, which can be played in-browser or downloaded.

Minecraft Classic is free, but not compatible with proper Minecraft. (I think you can play on Classic servers though.)
EDITED: 5 Mar 2011 23:23 by BOUGHTONP
From: JonCooper 5 Mar 2011 23:56
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1075 of 3934
I dunno about handling huge files, but there seems to be plenty of sotware available that is specifically designed to reduce .tga file sizes
From: Matt 5 Mar 2011 23:59
To: ALL1076 of 3934
We now have an indoor pool.
From: af (CAER) 6 Mar 2011 16:54
To: koswix 1077 of 3934

I cannot log in :((


It says: "Connection Lost


Timed out"


after sitting on the "Logging in..." screen for about a minute.


Edit: ok, minecraft.net is down. HOW NOVEL :@

EDITED: 6 Mar 2011 17:14 by CAER
From: PNCOOL 6 Mar 2011 20:23
To: Matt 1078 of 3934
What's the code for going there?
From: JonCooper 6 Mar 2011 21:31
To: ALL1079 of 3934
xeno is too good, I can only kill him if he's not looking :(