
From: Manthorp10 Dec 2010 17:07
To: steve 25 of 30
You could blow up a balloon.
From: koswix10 Dec 2010 17:11
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 26 of 30

Your 'also' implies that trustable was used correctly.


If something is trustable it is capable of being placed in trust - like when an historic building is gifted to the National Trust for safekeeping.


You actually asked if the new/other organisations were capable of being put in trust [in a rather awkward and Americanised/Business Speak way], rather than what I suspect you thought you were saying, that you wondered if it was wise to place ones trust in them.

From: steve10 Dec 2010 17:13
To: Manthorp 27 of 30
I can't blow up balloons :(

Unless previous filled with nitrous oxide :$
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)12 Dec 2010 16:46
To: ALL28 of 30
EDITED: 22 Dec 2012 17:20 by DSMITHHFX
From: ANT_THOMAS12 Dec 2010 18:00
Poor effort, The "FAIL" isn't even in the middle.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)12 Dec 2010 18:52
To: ANT_THOMAS 30 of 30