
From: Mouse 9 Jan 2011 23:55
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 55 of 477

Yesterday I got lost and ended up cowering in a cave which I'd dug out. I had no torches so sat in dark all through the night. Just as the sun was coming up I realised I'd been staring at iron ore all night. Went to go get it and realised it wasn't iron ore at all and was then killed by a creeper :(


The spawning and losing your inventory thing is a bloody nightmare, fun though.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Jan 2011 00:03
To: Mouse 56 of 477
You don't lose your inventory, you drop it - all the stuff is still there, if you're quick enough getting back to that area.

Creepers are evil though... they should at least give a small amount of noise when moving. :(

I need lots of sulphur to make some explosives to hollow out a big area, so I'm going to have to go Creeper hunting, which I'm not looking forward to.
From: Mouse10 Jan 2011 10:58
To: ALL57 of 477
Ahh. Well, I have a terrible sense of direction in real life and even worse in games. How do I build an Android phone with Google Maps?
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)10 Jan 2011 11:00
To: Mouse 58 of 477
Good thing to do is when you've mined some stuff you don't want to lose, make a chest and put the stuff in it. Then, if you're above ground, build a big tower so you can find the chest later.
From: Mouse10 Jan 2011 12:59
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 59 of 477
I've not got into making towers yet, I should do that. Just make a massive pyramid basically?
From: Matt10 Jan 2011 13:08
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 60 of 477
You don't lose your inventory, you drop it - all the stuff is still there, if you're quick enough getting back to that area.

If you can find that area!

I had an epic haul of stuff in a cave I'd tunnelled out. Was right proud I was. Decided to build some things which required coal to put in my furnace. Coal which I didn't have. Went looking for said coal and ended up digging the Minecraft equivalent of the channel tunnel through the world. Found lava. Got killed by something (not the lava). Now I can't find my cave.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Jan 2011 13:30
To: Mouse 61 of 477
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Jan 2011 13:30
To: Matt 62 of 477
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Jan 2011 13:35
To: Matt 63 of 477
( Although the fact that signs don't stack in the inventory does mean I don't use them anywhere near as much as I should, which often means I'm too worried to go proper exploring in case I get lost. :( )
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Jan 2011 13:45
To: Mouse 64 of 477
If you land in 2+ water, you don't get damaged.

So either create a small pond, or be next to water, then just keep jumping and stacking underneath you, then jump off into the water.

You can then go back and place ladders, if you want to climb up/down again.

Though for a simple beacon, you don't really need to do that, I guess.

(I have a plan to have a monorail network between my beacons, hence ladders=useful)
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)10 Jan 2011 14:05
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 65 of 477

PB - is it likely that you'd run out of raw materials before you build whatever you'd want? Or am I just being silly?


edit: quite tempted to set up a server for this somewhere.. Does it stay consistent if you start/stop it, or does it re-initialise everytime you restart it?

EDITED: 10 Jan 2011 14:06 by NUKKLEAR
From: Mouse10 Jan 2011 14:36
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 66 of 477
Ohh, signs and ladders. Yes, good plan.
From: milko10 Jan 2011 14:40
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 67 of 477
you can build quite a lot out of dirt I guess.
From: Mouse10 Jan 2011 14:43
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 68 of 477
If you do a server can I have a go on it? I'm a bit lonely at the moment :(
From: JonCooper10 Jan 2011 14:55
To: ALL69 of 477
build a feckin compass and navigate the world?

I walked north for 2 whole game days just to find out how big the map is
turns out the game generates more map as you go
my world is HUGE now :(
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Jan 2011 15:08
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 70 of 477
As Jon says, the world expands as you explore. Not sure it's infinite, but it's certainly big enough that I'd not worry.

Worst case, cheat and use an inventory hack to give yourself stuff.

The server will continue from where you where - though I'm not sure if it needs a manual save before stopping (I did because I'm paranoid like that).
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Jan 2011 15:13
To: JonCooper 71 of 477
There's an accelerated time animation on youtube of someone flying over terrain for like a month or something.

I've seen something mentioning 8x the size of earth.

If 1 block = 1 meter, that's pretty far.
From: Mouse10 Jan 2011 15:16
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 72 of 477
Are the terrains randomly generated, or partly random partly designed or something? IS THERE A GOD?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Jan 2011 15:19
To: Mouse 73 of 477
There's different climate biomes, but other than that I think it's just a random seed.

Notch could be considered the god (albeit not an omnipresent one).
From: JonCooper10 Jan 2011 15:50
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 74 of 477
I would not have mentioned the inventory hack, I have one and I think it's spoiled the game a bit (for me)

spend hours looking for sulphur etc, or just hack a big stack of tnt

did have a bit of fun blowing away a whole mountain though 256xtnt makes a BIG hole!