
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)24 Feb 2011 01:02
To: ALL441 of 477
Anyone playing single player found any fun map seeds?

There are threads on various forums discussing this, but they seem to be mostly populated by incredibly stupid idiots, who don't have any sense of what a good map is. :(

( Or, probably more likely, they're just content doing "me too" posts instead of trying to list interesting ones. :@ )
EDITED: 24 Feb 2011 01:03 by BOUGHTONP
From: milko24 Feb 2011 09:53
To: ALL442 of 477
I'm interested in this too!
From: koswix 3 Mar 2011 22:03
To: ALL443 of 477

We have a vacancy for a Pool Boy to keep the pool clean and tidy, and collect used carts from the bottom.


Mouse, consider yourself voluntold.

From: JonCooper 3 Mar 2011 23:21
To: koswix 444 of 477
go ride the water flume
From: koswix 3 Mar 2011 23:39
To: JonCooper 445 of 477
Where is it>
From: JonCooper 3 Mar 2011 23:42
To: koswix 446 of 477
there is a door over by the diving board ladder
From: Mouse 4 Mar 2011 01:06
To: koswix 447 of 477
Consider yourself told the to fuck off.
From: koswix 4 Mar 2011 01:30
To: Mouse 448 of 477
Told the to?
From: Mouse 4 Mar 2011 02:08
To: koswix 449 of 477
Yes. To the. Err.. yes. </Thr night drinking >
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)20 Mar 2011 01:49
To: ALL450 of 477
On one hand: YAY, dogstameable wolves in 1.4 :D

On the other hand: GRRR! 503 again! Stop adding new stuff until you've fixed authentication properly! :@
From: koswix20 Mar 2011 01:52
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 451 of 477
You keep getting time out when tryying to connect - I think it's your 3G.
From: koswix20 Mar 2011 01:54
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 452 of 477
Scratch that - it's 503ing for me too :( :( :(
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)20 Mar 2011 01:57
To: koswix 453 of 477
Minecraft website keeps constantly falling over. It's not just me, according to tits up.

Might also be be T-Mobile idiots also though - getting "connection lost / end of stream" error sometimes. :/
From: koswix20 Mar 2011 02:05
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 454 of 477
I'm getting that too. Did Notch forget to pay the server bill?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)20 Mar 2011 02:19
To: koswix 455 of 477
Nah, since it's returning 503 the server is there, but the software running on it is saying "go away, I'm broken".

Might be too many people connecting, or might have crashed for some other reason.
From: koswix20 Mar 2011 02:28
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 456 of 477
Logged in.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)20 Mar 2011 02:33
To: koswix 457 of 477
Looks like I missed the small window of it working. :(
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)20 Mar 2011 02:41
To: ALL458 of 477
I'm In! I'm In! I'... connection reset BASTARDS! :@
From: koswix20 Mar 2011 02:54
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 459 of 477

Are you getting any error message in the client? Server error is just disconnect.genericReason, which isn't very helpful.


I blame your 3G :C

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)20 Mar 2011 03:13
To: koswix 460 of 477
Yeah, it's the standard one I get when T-Mobile drop the connection "Internal exception: java.io.IOException: mark/reset not supported".

Tell me what to get and I'll order from Three website tomorrow and hopefully be free from the bastards within the week.