
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)24 Jan 2011 13:56
To: JonCooper 361 of 477

Yeah it's the one in the base, I figured I'd keep it inside for starters. It sounds as if people have built LOADS of stuff since I last connected, which is nice! Is it all relatively close together? Might have another go later on today, when I get home. I need to go deeper with that mine and find more iron / gold / etc - despite the apparent depth, I can still only find coal and very rarely iron... I want to make buckets, dammit! I'll take a look at the sandcave too, sounds exciting - and dangerous...


I endorse the streetlighting idea. I would also endorse the idea of creating a sod-off big fence around the area in which the various establishments are built :Y but that sounds too much like hard work.


Would it be wise to implement some sort of basic authentication for starters, like a server password? It wouldn't take much for someone to ruin what we've built I guess.


My plans:
- excavate excavate excavate! I need iron to at least make some armour and then explore the caves I've found in the house-mine; obviously if anyone else fancies it, go ahead!
- fence-in a bigger area which I'll use for planting trees, maybe farming as well
- build a rather large tower inside the original house area

EDITED: 24 Jan 2011 14:05 by NUKKLEAR
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)24 Jan 2011 14:18
To: koswix 362 of 477
Oh man you weren't using Sun's JVM? :'D


And I asked and... it was a mod :(
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)24 Jan 2011 14:18
To: koswix 363 of 477
Oh right you were using Sun but not the server one. Ok. Ignore me.
From: koswix24 Jan 2011 14:20
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 364 of 477
I'm still fiddling with hMod (don't thinjk it's working right yet :/), but I'll set up the whitelist later - I've not found a way to set a password yet, I think that would need your MC client to be modded too :\
From: koswix24 Jan 2011 14:21
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 365 of 477

Consider yourself ignored :C


Monster spawn rate is now 1 instead of 2, but there are various reports that it makes no fucking difference at all :D However, only Zombies are allowed to spawn now, and that seems to have reduced the overall number considerably.

From: JonCooper24 Jan 2011 14:23
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 366 of 477
wait 'till you see Xeno's house - very cool
and Jake has a good one made out of wood (he has underground trees!)
and someone (Ben?) built a huge monster thing that I should know the name of, but don't
From: ANT_THOMAS24 Jan 2011 14:24
To: ALL367 of 477
I definitely need this game.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)24 Jan 2011 14:30
To: JonCooper 368 of 477
That's kev's Domo-Kun.
From: koswix24 Jan 2011 14:32
To: ANT_THOMAS 369 of 477
Buy it and come play :D
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)24 Jan 2011 14:38
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 370 of 477
Can the streetlights have some sort of signs on them explaining what's what?

I connected the other night and wandered about a bit, but didn't really know what to do, (especially since it was laggy and I wasn't sure if that was me or the server).
From: koswix24 Jan 2011 14:41
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 371 of 477

list is now /who


All the commands have changed, basically. Type /help for the new ones. A bunch of commands don't work though, I think that's because it's not listing us as admins and I'm being stupid and can't work out how to make us admins :$

From: JonCooper24 Jan 2011 14:41
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 372 of 477
ah Kev - he spent most of the night on that

PB, we have put signs on a lot of stuff but they cost 7ish wood so...
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)24 Jan 2011 14:44
To: JonCooper 373 of 477
So... you need someone to create a tree farm? :)
From: JonCooper24 Jan 2011 14:48
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 374 of 477
well, I guess so, we did some (Serg did loads)
and there are new ones near Xeno (which he may have planted)
and Jake has indoor ones!
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)24 Jan 2011 14:48
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 375 of 477
Build something! Mine something! wtf!
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)24 Jan 2011 14:51
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 376 of 477
I didn't want to step on any toes. :(
From: JonCooper24 Jan 2011 14:54
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 377 of 477
It's an infinatly big space, just don't wander off to far or no-one will see your creations
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)24 Jan 2011 14:54
To: JonCooper 378 of 477

I want to live in the woods :'S
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)24 Jan 2011 14:55
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 379 of 477
What Jon said. Wtf, PB, wtf?
From: JonCooper24 Jan 2011 14:56
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 380 of 477
you left a sign saying it COULD be cut down!
(as long as it gets replanted)