
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)22 Jan 2011 01:11
To: koswix 314 of 477

I'm there, redoing the near-spawn house thing :-$


edit: there are at least 6 creepers in that area :C

EDITED: 22 Jan 2011 01:21 by NUKKLEAR
From: JonCooper22 Jan 2011 02:47
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 315 of 477
you build so fast!
(or I'm lagging bad ;-)
From: koswix22 Jan 2011 10:38
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 316 of 477
What's a googletalk?
From: koswix22 Jan 2011 13:00
To: JonCooper 317 of 477
Good building work people, the base is starting to look really good. Fishbob was dead impressed with the additions to his tower that you've done :D
From: JonCooper22 Jan 2011 13:15
To: koswix 318 of 477
Jake went over in the hills to mine a bit, made his own place and also built a hiding place for anyone caught out when it gets dark
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)22 Jan 2011 14:01
To: JonCooper 319 of 477

I think one of us might've been lagging, I'm not that fast... I'm tempted to build a proper house inside that courtyard, the current one is a bit meh.


Also, I put overhangs on the outside of the walls, because spiders kept climbing over :-@ All sorted now, we even have a tree farm :D

From: JonCooper22 Jan 2011 15:19
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 320 of 477
I see the farm, we have a lot going on, Im trying to tidy up the walls, floor, etc.
From: y2rich22 Jan 2011 16:17
To: ALL321 of 477
Could the server take another player if I was to jump on in a bit?
From: JonCooper22 Jan 2011 16:40
To: y2rich 322 of 477
people are coming and going all the time

if it lags too much I just drop out for a while
From: koswix22 Jan 2011 21:36
To: ALL323 of 477

So Minecraft is all Java.


And Android is all Java.



From: Matt22 Jan 2011 21:43
To: koswix 324 of 477
An Android Minecraft client? You'd never do any work.
From: koswix22 Jan 2011 21:59
To: Matt 325 of 477
It would probably be shit anyway.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)23 Jan 2011 09:53
To: ALL326 of 477
Server's looking nice :D

I have a weird bug (I presume) where I always instantly die on the first time I connect. Then second time is fine. Very strange.

Also there's crazy numbers of monsters in recent versions. And spiders are fuck-hard now. It's a bit toooo much. Hard to get any work done.
From: patch23 Jan 2011 10:36
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 327 of 477
Apparently spiders can climb now.
From: JonCooper23 Jan 2011 11:43
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 328 of 477
I get that 'die first time' thing too - just assumed it was me standing in the wrong place

patch: that's why serg built an overhang on the outer wall, I've seen a spider climb right up the face of that sand cliff
From: koswix23 Jan 2011 13:03
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 329 of 477

I will see if I can change the difficulty level.


Also, I'm going to turn animals off as that is supposed to.improve performance loads.

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)23 Jan 2011 13:16
To: koswix 330 of 477
Could turn monsters off too...

(it used to be that turning animals off also turned monsters off anyway, dunno if it still is)
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)23 Jan 2011 13:56
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 331 of 477

Have you seen my mine? :-$
There's a few passages which I blocked off because they led to scary dungeons, I'm not tough enough to go in there :C

From: JonCooper23 Jan 2011 14:16
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 332 of 477
is your mine the one inside the base? that goes for miles!
did you check out the one in the sand cliff? (I think patch dug it)
From: koswix23 Jan 2011 14:20
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 333 of 477

They are seperate options now, but I figured that turning monsters off would lose part of the fun of it. I've built a few things in Peacful mode on singleplayer, and it's just not the same as with monsters.


I read up on a bunch of stuff last night and this morning I have rebooted the server with some tweaked java settings that should help things. Also, I've added entire directory that Minecraft Server is in to the exclusion list in Avast's real time scan - and that instantly saved about 10% of CPU time :O


Now we just need Bukkit, a method for moving the existing world to an SQL backend, my new PC and virgin to either install my 100Meg line or complete their free upgrade that they're also doing that would see my upload go up to 2Mbit.