
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)21 Jan 2011 11:41
To: Mouse 231 of 477
I shall have to find some diamonds yet, found none.

Go even deeper.

Diamond is only found at the deepest levels.

There's a chart somewhere, that tells you the numbers, so you can count down from sea level until you get to the appropriate depth.
From: Mouse21 Jan 2011 11:43
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 232 of 477
Ohh, OK I will. I have a few scary pot holes I've not properly been down to yet.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)21 Jan 2011 11:47
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 233 of 477
I really wish there were indestructible tools. It eventually becomes frustrating when even your diamond tools constantly need replacing. I mean, I know it pushes the exploration on and all that but it'd be nice to have a pick and spade that just never degrade. Maybe some new super-rare material or something. It's annoying having to carry around a stack of diamond when I go exploring. Especially when a creeper booms me miiiiles away from spawn and I lose it all.

Used to be a glitch in multiplayer where if you dropped a tool and picked it up it would be fully repaired, but this got fixed :'S

</random thought>
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)21 Jan 2011 11:50
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 234 of 477
Is diamond that bad?

I was under the impression that it was several orders of magnitudes more robust, and wouldn't need a great deal of replacing? :(
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)21 Jan 2011 11:56
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 235 of 477
It's ok. Spades are the worst because they're so quick, you can go through a diamond spade in no time. Picks are a bit better but I'll still tend to use 3 or 4 on one of my expeditions. I mean, I tend to find more diamond than I use up making new tools, but still, it would be nice to get to a point where you just don't have to worry about it. Was SO nice when multiplayer had that glitch.

We really should get a Teh server going. Even just a temp thing that's not always up. I'd host one myself but my paltry 512k upstream can't handle more than about 3 players.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)21 Jan 2011 12:11
To: koswix 236 of 477
Just tried connecting to that - I guess it's your machine and it's not up now?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)21 Jan 2011 12:12
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 237 of 477
As soon as I've get a spare evening, I've been intending to experiment with the server stuff - but I haven't the foggiest when that will actually be at the moment. :(

Kos says he has a fancy upstream - can we get him to do it?
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)21 Jan 2011 12:15
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 238 of 477
Cool with meeeee.
From: patch21 Jan 2011 12:16
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 239 of 477
MineEdit lets you add things to your inventory, and repair partly used/damage kit. It even lets you add lots of dynamite to your inventory, for those /really/ big projects.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)21 Jan 2011 12:20
To: patch 240 of 477
Yeah, I think anything like that tends to spoil the game though. It's difficult not to get carried away.

Having said that, it's fun to dynamite the fuck out of a world when you're bored with it.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)21 Jan 2011 12:21
To: patch 241 of 477
From: koswix21 Jan 2011 12:26
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 242 of 477

Yeah, it was on for a couple days but only patch connected to it :(


My upstream isn't great but should be ok for a fee players. When I get virgin's 100mef line I'm also getting a new pc /just/ for serving up .minecraft :C


Also also, coal is not essential now. You can turn wood into charcoal in the furnace, charcoal burns for the dame length as coal and can be used for torches too.

From: patch21 Jan 2011 12:27
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 243 of 477

You don't shout at Xen for wanting a way of making his diamond tools permanent, but you shout at me when I give him a solution?


For shame, Peeb. For shame.

From: koswix21 Jan 2011 12:27
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 244 of 477
I like digging straight down to bedrock then filling the hole with tnt and standing well back :$
From: patch21 Jan 2011 12:29
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 245 of 477
Self control, Mr D. It's the answer.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)21 Jan 2011 12:39
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 246 of 477
Obsidian tools maybe?
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)21 Jan 2011 12:41
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 247 of 477
Right. I can either keep XP on that laptop, or maybe install something else to try to run a Minecraft dedicated server, depending on performance.. what d'you reckon? The XP install is very slow :C
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)21 Jan 2011 12:46
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 248 of 477
Obsidian is sharp but fragile (IRL).
From: Mouse21 Jan 2011 12:49
To: ALL249 of 477
Think I've got 50 down 5 up.. would that be enough?
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)21 Jan 2011 12:51
To: Mouse 250 of 477

What, already? 8-O
What's your pipe dude? It'd be plenty, if that's Mbps...