
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)18 Jan 2011 16:14
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 199 of 477

Ooh, ok. I can't say I'd noticed before, I only got around to very basic building in Minecraft :-$


I keep restarting, I tend to think I want a particular world with plenty of hills and mountains and stuff... I should stop being picky and just get on with something.

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)18 Jan 2011 17:52
To: ALL200 of 477
I now want to play waste several hours this evening and start making a floating shelter, evolving into a floating base (of DOOM, with lava/water around it to stop creeps and possibly automated dispenser traps). Someone will owe me a life :C
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)18 Jan 2011 19:22
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 201 of 477
You think you'll get that done in just "several hours"? :P
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)19 Jan 2011 09:30
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 202 of 477

:(( *watches*
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)19 Jan 2011 09:42
To: ALL203 of 477
We need a Teh server...
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)19 Jan 2011 11:59
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 204 of 477

edit: or we can rent one for $25 per month or something if enough of us really want it :/


I wouldn't imagine that it's very bandwidth intensive... Will a dedicated server run on a single-core, old 1.5GHz laptop d'you think? If so I'd be happy to get it running on that for now. I wouldn't imagine it's bandwidth-heavy either, so my measly 3Mbps down / 1Mbps up should be fine. Right?

EDITED: 19 Jan 2011 12:07 by NUKKLEAR
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)19 Jan 2011 12:12
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 205 of 477
I don't think it's worth paying for, there are plenty of other servers out there. Just if someone has a spare machine lying around and a reasonable connection, kinda thing.

And yeah the server is java so it's quite resource heavy, particularly RAM, so not sure that machine would be up to it. But there's only one way to find out :D
From: Matt19 Jan 2011 12:48
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 206 of 477
I've been looking. Beyond getting a server, which we could probably just get another Linode instance for, I found hMod (which is being superseded by Bukkit, but that's not out yet) which allows you to add your own plugins to Minecraft, all in a deliciously simple looking API which handily includes MySQL support and many more lovely things.

I've haven't had a proper look at the documentation, but I imagine it can't be too hard to write a plugin to integrate with Beehive's user authentication then we can force people to register here before they can play on Teh Mine and do things with permissions n'shit.

All we need to do is get a server and install hMod on it and get someone to write some Java to create our plugin.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)19 Jan 2011 13:32
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 207 of 477
the server is java so it's quite resource heavy, particularly RAM

That's a common assumption/misunderstanding.

Java will use as much memory as you give it - if you say it can have a max of 4G, it'll most likely go ahead and reserve that space, even if it doesn't need it and isn't actually using it.

See here: http://www.fusion-reactor.com/fr/images/screenshots/MemoryGraph1.gif - it's been assigned upto 500MB and is allocating around 175MB, even though most times it's using less than 50MB and never appears to go over 150MB.
(The specifics will vary, but the general concept is the same with any Java server, afaik.)

The point is, you need to run a Minecraft server and measure how much it is actually using (or even, how it performs without much allocated to it), and then you'll know what you actually need.

It's a pity the server wasn't done as either a WAR or lib/JAR file that could just be plugged in to an existing JEE server, cus then I could plonk it onto my Tomcat and test all this without any hassle.
From: koswix19 Jan 2011 13:43
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 208 of 477
From: patch19 Jan 2011 13:58
To: Matt 209 of 477
I believe they use Hmod on the RockPaperShotgun server, and they're currently having to do some weird things with downgrading their clients since Hmod isn't being actively updated to the latest server version.
From: Matt19 Jan 2011 14:21
To: patch 210 of 477
Yeah, I saw that. There is an unofficial hMod doing the rounds, dunno if that supports the newer builds of Minecraft or not. There is also Bukkit (hMod's successor) that I mentioned, but they seem to be using the Black Mesa / Duke Nukem Forever method of development for it and haven't yet released anything.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)19 Jan 2011 20:11
To: Matt 211 of 477
I'm confused - since you still have to write plugins, what do bukkit/hmod actually do?
From: Matt19 Jan 2011 20:51
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 212 of 477
Provides an easy to use API primarily. It has events that you can listen for / bind to rather than having to mod Minecraft directly to insert code where you want it to have an effect.

The bit I was mostly interested in is the native MySQL support to make it work with Beehive's user authentication. The MySQL support also means you can store the server data such as items each player is carrying, active users etc. in the database, so it could be used to gather information for statistics and other random lovely things.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)20 Jan 2011 02:25
To: Matt 213 of 477
Hmm, reading the news on the bukkit website, it's a bit unclear when it'll be released - they seem to be waiting for official blessing from Mojang and/or some licensing faffing.

However, there is apparently buildable source code available.
Hmmm. I guess some of the delay is because it looks like they may have decompiled the minecraft server in order to build it.

If anyone were brave enough to convert the alphabetized variable names into sensible things, it might even be that we could create our own customised server that could do whatever we want (within the game/client mechanics, anyway), including authenticating against a remote MySQL database.

Of course, having a proper API with Player and MySQL stuff all pre-done would be simpler, but with that not yet available, this does seem a possible tunnel to dig.
From: PNCOOL20 Jan 2011 20:55
To: ALL214 of 477

Has anyone experienced mass fire yet? I foolishly decided I wanted a lava fireplace and after carefully getting a bucket of stuff I plonked it in my brick built fireplace in my cool looking log cabin... only for the whole building to go up in flames minutes later, taking out most of the trees in a huge radius. Took me hours to put everything out.


Moral of the story, don't play with fire/lava.

From: koswix20 Jan 2011 22:08
To: PNCOOL 215 of 477
I burnt a forest down the other day, its still burning :$
From: JonCooper20 Jan 2011 22:08
To: PNCOOL 216 of 477
I decided I didn't like leaves hanging about after I'd 'mined' the trunk so I set fire to them - burnt down a whole island full of trees and had to wander about putting out loads of logs
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)21 Jan 2011 00:16
To: ALL217 of 477

Played this for the second time last night. First time I really really didn't get it and got fed up. Watched some of the Youtube videos and thought I'd give it another bash. I'm still not sold on it - I got a bit bored during the night time bit. What should I be doing?


I'll tell you what though, those monsters scare the fucking shit out of me. The noises are....haunting. One appeared at my lookout hole and I nearly dropped the laptop.


Incidentally, it's bit stuttery on the laptop but I dunno if that's because uptime was probably in the days (not counting hibernation).

From: JonCooper21 Jan 2011 00:36
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 218 of 477
night time I generally go mining a bit - you'll need torches