
From: koswix16 Jan 2011 02:29
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 158 of 477

Heh, that's a decent place to build a house. My Guest House is built into a hill just like that. And all the stone from hollowing it out has been rather helpful in building my castle.


And I know I don't need a reason to post pics, I was just trying to keep a semblance of flow to the thread :C

From: koswix16 Jan 2011 03:26
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 159 of 477

Woo, the outer shell is basically complete. Need to fix the 'droopy' corners on the tops of the turrets, and sort out the ramparts on the first tower, but more or less done.


Next I'm going to add a gate/portcullis stylee bit (don'[t know how yet) and then build a house and stuff inside the castle walls. Then dig out all the sand around it and have just one entry point (although i already have a couple of underwater emergency exits...)


Time for sleep.

EDITED: 23 Jul 2012 18:00 by KOSWIX
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)16 Jan 2011 04:05
To: koswix 160 of 477
I'm still trying to decide exactly what to do with the house.

I've got ideas for what to do with the surrounding area, but I'm currently sitting wasting time each night because I'm not sure how to handle the inside. :(

Here's my beautiful architect's plans for what to do with outside, and my current floorplan...

For some reason I had this idea to build a giant greenhouse, which is what I've been doing during the day.

I'm probably about half way finished with the shell, which will give me a safe place to work during the night, but you're not getting a screenshot of my current progress, because I just realised it's fecking 3am. :'(
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)16 Jan 2011 05:55
To: koswix 161 of 477
"Guest House" (giggle)

Nice castle though.
From: koswix16 Jan 2011 15:11
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 162 of 477
Whaaaaaat...? Don't want friends and family clutering up my lovely house when they come to stay :C
From: koswix16 Jan 2011 15:16
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 163 of 477
The guest house is also home to the banquet hall.
EDITED: 23 Jul 2012 18:00 by KOSWIX
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)16 Jan 2011 18:31
To: koswix 164 of 477

That's pretty cool.

I've been connecting up a few islands with undersea glass tunnels. Takes fucking ages.
From: koswix16 Jan 2011 19:35
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 165 of 477

Aye, took me the best part of a (real world, not game) day to get enough sand and coal to build my greenhouse. Time well spent, I'm sure you'll agree.


Minecraft is like Morrowind crossed with lego. I am soooooo addicted it.

From: JonCooper16 Jan 2011 21:15
To: ALL166 of 477
trying to build a self propelling railway today, not too hard, but one FUCKING chicken* has fucked me about all day

he pushes the carts before I'm ready
or he jumps in them and rides away (laughing)
or he stand in front of a cart so it stops dead

* I prefer to belive it's all the same one
EDITED: 16 Jan 2011 21:17 by JONCOOPER
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)16 Jan 2011 21:25
To: JonCooper 167 of 477
Kill it.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)16 Jan 2011 21:35
To: ALL168 of 477
Anyone encountered randomly collapsing sand before? :S

If you recall in my earlier image, there was a block of six sand that was one deep, in the bottom centre of the image.

After being inside working on my building a spiral staircase, I came outside to fight some monsters and discovered that at some point it has collapsed into what looks like a cavern.

I've had similar before when I was digging sand - I dug a piece which would have revealed a floating block of sand, and a whole area of it then collapsed - but I've never noticed it happening without me doing anything. :S

Is it a randomly occurring event, or triggered by anything?

Should I go down and see what might be lurking under my house?
From: Matt16 Jan 2011 21:47
To: ALL169 of 477
From: koswix16 Jan 2011 22:00
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 170 of 477
Sounds like you got termites :C
From: patch16 Jan 2011 22:57
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 171 of 477
Sometimes in Minecraft gravity forgets to work. So when you remind it by disturbing an overhang of sand, you get a landslide as gravity tries to pretend it knew about it all along.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)16 Jan 2011 23:19
To: patch 172 of 477
Did you not read my post? :(

I didn't remind gravity of anything!

quote: msg:37760.168
After being inside working on my building a spiral staircase, I came outside to fight some monsters and discovered that at some point it has collapsed into what looks like a cavern.

I've had similar before when I was digging sand - I dug a piece which would have revealed a floating block of sand, and a whole area of it then collapsed - but I've never noticed it happening without me doing anything.
From: Mouse16 Jan 2011 23:24
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 173 of 477
It's just being realistic. Sand's like that. <nods sagely>
From: patch16 Jan 2011 23:35
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 174 of 477
Well, no. /Obviously/ I didn't read your post.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)17 Jan 2011 08:51
To: patch 175 of 477
Probably for the best TBH. But your post on gravity had a sparkling of wit quite lacking elsewhere in this thread of late.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)17 Jan 2011 08:52
To: ALL176 of 477

Apart for the wit of Pat, this is turning out to be one of the most mind-numbingly tedious threads evah. Congratulations to all of you in plumbing the depths so enthusiastically.


I wish you all continued fun building with virtual Lego. Although why you don't just go out, buy some real Lego, and invite your friends around for a house-building party I just don't know.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)17 Jan 2011 09:50
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 177 of 477
You know, there is an ignore thread option, if we're boring you so much.