
From: ANT_THOMAS30 Sep 2010 14:02
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 94 of 100
Haha, them replies are quicker than me pinging another pc on my network over WiFi!
From: bumblebee30 Sep 2010 14:33
To: ANT_THOMAS 95 of 100

No idea, probably fast DSL since he lives in Berlin...
I was on that board for 6 years and usually it was no slower than this one.
Admittedly, maybe once a year the board was gone for a few hours or even a day when hardware had to be replaced :D

From: ANT_THOMAS30 Sep 2010 14:36
To: bumblebee 96 of 100
It would've been an extremely fast line to handle that many users and no doubt very expensive!!
From: bumblebee30 Sep 2010 15:32
To: ANT_THOMAS 97 of 100
Here they offer fiber connections now (200Mbps down, 10Mbps up guaranteed) for about 50€/month. They also offer 1Gbps connections (both up and down) for 250€/month, but who can afford that... ;P
EDITED: 30 Sep 2010 15:33 by BUMBLEBEE
From: ANT_THOMAS30 Sep 2010 15:39
To: bumblebee 98 of 100
:O I'd definitely take the €50/month option.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Sep 2010 15:56
To: bumblebee 99 of 100
:O I need to move to Germany.

There isn't some evil catch, like a 1GB/month "fair use" limit on that is there?
From: bumblebee30 Sep 2010 16:11
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 100 of 100

No, no limit whatsoever. It also includes 100+ TV stations and unlimited phone calls.
I live in Portugal by the way ;)