
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)23 Sep 2010 14:05
To: ALL74 of 100
Sorry all for slight delay in this.

Donations still not yet required, because Linode charge the same rate monthly/annually, so we'll start with just one month to make certain that we're happy with them, the €150 will take us further forward, and so then after that I'll start collecting donations.

For future reference, and because I mentioned checking it before, we're currently using 5.4GB disk space, and our monthly data transfer is between 3..4GB (with a 10GB peak in either March or April).

On those fronts, we're fine with the base Linode 512 plan, but since we're currently using ~790MB of RAM (and that's with only 12 active users), that definitely points us at the Linode 1024 plan.
(It looks like you can upgrade more-or-less on-the-fly, so if 1GB is not enough we can increase it, or jump up to the next plan, as appropriate).

Ok, so, Matt can you do your usual precautionary backing up, before I go reply to EuroVPS to get the credit refunded.

Also, should I go ahead and order the Linode 1024 now, so you have some time to setup/fiddle/test this weekend, and then plan for the actual migration next weekend, or something else?
From: Matt23 Sep 2010 15:54
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 75 of 100
Matt can you do your usual precautionary backing up, before I go reply to EuroVPS to get the credit refunded.


Also, should I go ahead and order the Linode 1024 now, so you have some time to setup/fiddle/test this weekend, and then plan for the actual migration next weekend, or something else?

If you can afford to do that, some time to set things up and test would be useful, yes. If you could email me (matt@teh) the credentials when you have the Linode account created, I'll get everything going.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)23 Sep 2010 16:36
To: Matt 76 of 100

Ok, thanks, will go do that in a sec, and email you once it's up.


I'll signup initially for the Linode 512 plan though - upgrading is basically just a reboot (all data+config kept), and can be done at any time (pro-rated) so it'll be slightly cheaper.

EDITED: 23 Sep 2010 16:37 by BOUGHTONP
From: milko27 Sep 2010 12:10
To: ALL77 of 100
When did we last do a payment? I'm trying to work out where the Amazon affiliate fund is at.
From: Matt29 Sep 2010 16:12
To: ALL78 of 100
So? Does it work?
From: ANT_THOMAS29 Sep 2010 16:15
To: Matt 79 of 100
Was that the smoothest migration we've done?
From: Matt29 Sep 2010 16:17
To: ANT_THOMAS 80 of 100
It helped having the new server available to play with for a few days before switching over.
From: bumblebee29 Sep 2010 21:42
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 81 of 100
I am no expert on those things, but given that hunger for resources wouldn't it be cheaper in the long run to buy and operate one's own server?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)29 Sep 2010 22:05
To: bumblebee 82 of 100
I'm not sure of the current price of rack servers, but my impression is that co-location (renting rack-space at hosting facilities) in general is going out of fashion these days, because it's simply easier, cheaper, and less hassle for hosts to provide virtual servers, and similarly users don't have to worry about upgrading, hardware failure, and so on.
(And that's not even getting into all the issues surrounding visiting the data centres to install hardware.)

At the moment, we are actually on the lowest Linode 512 plan, and it seems to be coping absolutely fine.

The place is not exactly at its busiest presently - and being on a crappy 3G connection it's hard to tell - but it's certainly not worse than before the move, and server load is currently considered 'idle', so whilst it's still early days, I don't think we have anything to worry about.
EDITED: 29 Sep 2010 22:07 by BOUGHTONP
From: Mouse30 Sep 2010 07:46
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 83 of 100
I think it's quicker if anything this new host.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Sep 2010 09:10
To: Mouse 84 of 100
Good. :)

Didn't want to bias any opinions by saying it, but yes - it certainly was whilst setting things up - I was on broadband loading both side-by-side and this one was noticably quicker.

Some of that is simply having it London/UK based, rather than Netherlands - we gain ~10ms just from it being closer.

Oh yeah, and we're using a different web server - nginx instead of Apache httpd - not sure how much difference that makes generally, but it's more lightweight and copes with load better.
From: Dave!!30 Sep 2010 09:37
To: Mouse 85 of 100
It does seem nice and nippy so far doesn't it! :-)
From: Mouse30 Sep 2010 10:07
To: Dave!! 86 of 100




From: Dave!!30 Sep 2010 10:21
To: Mouse 87 of 100
Do I spy another van race coming on?
From: Mouse30 Sep 2010 11:44
To: Dave!! 88 of 100
My dad's van has got more junk in it than your dad's van
From: Dave!!30 Sep 2010 12:03
To: Mouse 89 of 100
My dad's van has more mis-matched body panels than your dad's van.
From: Mouse30 Sep 2010 12:35
To: Dave!! 90 of 100
My dad doesn't bother replacing them and drives too slow for any collisions to cause dents anyway.
From: bumblebee30 Sep 2010 13:24
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 91 of 100
Oh, I meant operating one's own server at home. I used to be an a huge German board (about 50k users) whose owner/programmer/admin operates his own server from his living room :)
From: ANT_THOMAS30 Sep 2010 13:28
To: bumblebee 92 of 100
And what sort of internet connection did he have?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Sep 2010 13:57
To: bumblebee 93 of 100
What Ant said - unless he had a special internet connection, he almost certainly wouldn't be getting connection speeds like this:

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=54

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 3ms, Maximum = 3ms, Average = 3ms

It'd be nice if we had home connections that responded like that... maybe in Germany they do... but generally they're much slower and less reliable.