Northern Invasion

Message 37418.324 was deleted
From: DrBoff (BOFF)11 Sep 2010 08:35
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 325 of 398
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)11 Sep 2010 08:55
To: ALL326 of 398
As mentioned, we should be getting into King's Cross around 13:33, then walk to the Fitzroy because money is tight (any generosity on that front would be greatly appreciated), which could take up to half an hour according to Google, so expect us at about 2pm.
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)11 Sep 2010 10:42
To: ALL327 of 398
For the second time in two days I've made a hash of setting the alarm. Definitely coming, though. And yes, Jane has decided to subject herself to a second round of Teh.
From: paul11 Sep 2010 11:04
To: ALL328 of 398
Oops! Too many apples last night, not fit to drive so I'm out.


From: milko11 Sep 2010 11:08
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 329 of 398
I don't like to set times to these things, although my capacity for booze is not what it once was, I have to admit. It depends on pace!
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)11 Sep 2010 11:15
To: ALL330 of 398

After some uncertainty, we managed to get on the London train on time and should still make it for about 2pm or just after. I'm not sure how many people I recognise will be there (possibly just Boff and Psycho Geezer) so I will need some way of identifying Teh posse when we get into the pub.


I imagine it won't really be that difficult.

From: Richy (GAJIT)11 Sep 2010 11:15
To: PNCOOL 331 of 398
G may not be able to make it, as Muse have taken their toll on her ability to walk. I will attempt to battle through the achy knees and ankles and make it.

My God we're old :(
Message 37418.332 was deleted
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)11 Sep 2010 11:33
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 333 of 398
Greg looks like a cross between noddy and ian hislop.
Milko looks like a cross between a t-rex and tony blair.
Radio looks like Max Payne.
Voltane looks like Jesus.
And I look like Angelina Jolie, only hotter.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)11 Sep 2010 13:02
To: ALL334 of 398
I'm running later than planned. :( Leaving in 10, so depending on trains I should be there by 2:30 or so.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)11 Sep 2010 13:08
To: ALL335 of 398
I'm on my way, Gok (no, John) distracted me on TV... Really shouldn't admit that, should I? :-$
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)11 Sep 2010 13:37
To: ALL336 of 398
We're on the tube in zone 5
From: Matt11 Sep 2010 13:42
To: ALL337 of 398
I'm in Wakefield, invading The North.
From: PNCOOL11 Sep 2010 13:57
To: ALL338 of 398
I'm just leaving my house. I'll see you all when I eventually get there.
From: koswix11 Sep 2010 14:31
To: ALL339 of 398
Have fun everyone :( :( :(
From: DrBoff (BOFF)11 Sep 2010 14:58
To: Mouse 340 of 398
From: Voltane11 Sep 2010 19:14
To: ALL341 of 398

That's probably the earliest time i've ever left a meet (physically).


Great to see you all (even those I hadn't met before and didn't actually get to chat to), damn shame I couldn't stay longer. :(


Hope you're all drunk by now - especially the Children's Table!

Message 37418.342 was deleted
From: paul11 Sep 2010 20:09
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 343 of 398
Next time I will turn up.

If only to knock your fucking teeth out.