Northern Invasion

From: patch 7 Sep 2010 14:29
To: patch 274 of 398
Never mind. I found it. It's in London, apparently.
From: Voltane 7 Sep 2010 18:56
To: patch 275 of 398
quote: patch
Never mind. I found it.

Damnit! Ok people we're moving to secure backup facility 395.
I want to know who leaked that info, stat!
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 7 Sep 2010 20:06
To: koswix 276 of 398
What is that? Why are you :(ing?

What happened to working in London and having a sofa booked? :@

Not much on an invasion at all! Currently, there really will be only three actual northerners. :'C
(albeit very fine and handsome ones)
From: paul 7 Sep 2010 21:27
To: koswix 277 of 398

Here's where I am: Being Billy-no-mates this weekend, I won't be using Public Transport to attend [ep + lots of apples=not allowed out alone/could get lost] so, IF the weather is good, I will come on my bike BUT the forecast is not looking good.

Summary: Nice weather = attending ELSE NFC.

From: DrBoff (BOFF) 7 Sep 2010 22:50
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 278 of 398
I still consider myself technically a northerner.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 7 Sep 2010 22:54
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 279 of 398
Then how about you rouse some of that rabble into actually turning up?
From: Mouse 7 Sep 2010 23:57
To: ALL280 of 398
No-ones said whether I'm going to get an at least 5 minutes Skype conversation with everyone or not. Someone going to take their net book or something so I can virtually attend? Don't fucking mention Facetime.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 Sep 2010 00:37
To: Mouse 281 of 398
My "or something" weighs more than an average golden eagle, so it ain't coming up to London with me.

A Latitude XT2 on the other hand is much much less than that.
Order me one of them and I'll bring it up with me. :)
From: Mouse 8 Sep 2010 00:58
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 282 of 398
I'm not buying you shit Peter. If you can't plan a day trip and arrange to Skype with me halfway through you're a crap geek with the wrong tools.
EDITED: 8 Sep 2010 00:59 by MOUSE
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 Sep 2010 01:16
To: Mouse 283 of 398
I've spent enough on hardware already this year. Don't blame me if you wont buy me more or it! :@

Anyway, Skype sucks.

I'll G-Talk you.

But without the webcam bit, 'cus HTC put the camera on the wrong side of the phone for that. :(
From: Mouse 8 Sep 2010 01:20
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 284 of 398

Ahh jaysus. If we can't get a video link up of some kind then I'm out.


I suppose I'll be on G-Talk though, I am all the time if you know where to find me.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 Sep 2010 01:26
To: Mouse 285 of 398
Bah. Fozza will be there. He'll probably be able to Skype you from his watch.

Which wouldn't be as good quality as if I tethered my D300s to my Quad Core i7 and streamed HD video to you ... but it also wont kill my arms/shoulders either.
From: Mouse 8 Sep 2010 01:36
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 286 of 398
Peter, if you streamed anything to me in HD I wouldn't be able to process it.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 Sep 2010 01:47
To: Mouse 287 of 398
I'm gonna be streaming my dreams to you in HD soon.

Oooh, it's about 60 hours to go until meat.

From: Mouse 8 Sep 2010 02:01
To: ALL288 of 398
That was rather homoerotic wasn't it everyone? In a fairly geek way.
From: Dave!! 8 Sep 2010 08:41
To: Mouse 289 of 398
Depends what his dreams are about. Knowing BP, you'll soon be receiving an HD stream of ColdFusion running on a dedicated server with 16GB of ECC DDR3 RAM.
From: graphitone 8 Sep 2010 09:08
To: Dave!! 290 of 398
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 8 Sep 2010 10:37
To: Mouse 291 of 398
It certainly had me excited...until I read Dave!!'s analysis.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 Sep 2010 12:26
To: Dave!! 292 of 398
36GB, you mean? With an OctoCore, SSD RAID, and running Railo 4. :]

Although that wasn't last night.

Fire engines going in two directions, Paul Daniels (wtf?) going with one set, me going another way, traversing a cliff face, something, stuff in the garden, someone with ~14" squares of lumpy hedgerow (like turf, but for hedges), going inside for a new drink, something in the kitchen, white-and-yellow wasps on the beige carpet, upstairs to get rulers then coming down and attacking them, brother's friends watching a film in sitting room as it ends or I wake up. (forgot which)


Although that's missing details and it's gone vague, it was mostly a cohesive experience, which is strange for a dream.

From: Manthorp 8 Sep 2010 20:51
To: ALL293 of 398
Big sozzes to all: I'm not going to make it. The best part of a week away and an unexpected potential commission means my nose has to be firmly applied to the grindstone this weekend.

You know how pissed off I am.