
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)13 Apr 2010 17:02
To: ALL38 of 40
Take the Who Should You Vote For? UK General Election quiz
Liberal Democrat43
UK Independence23

You expected: LIB
Your recommendation: Green

Click here for more details about these results
From: ANT_THOMAS13 Apr 2010 17:12
To: ALL39 of 40
Take the Who Should You Vote For? UK General Election quiz
Liberal Democrat37
UK Independence-25

You expected: LAB
Your recommendation: Liberal Democrat

Click here for more details about these results

Not exactly surprised with the results. Still undecided who I'm going to vote for. Usually it'd be David Chaytor and therefore Labour but he's standing down (being kicked out) and his replacement was selected from an all woman shortlist which I don't agree with.
From: Ixion17 Apr 2010 00:19
To: Gobfounded (YVE) 40 of 40

Take the Who Should You Vote For? UK General Election quiz

Conservative     26
UK Independence     17
Liberal Democrat     1
Green -6    
Labour -6    

You expected: CON

Your recommendation: Conservative

Click here for more details about these results


Pretty much what I suspected then.