
From: Gobfounded (YVE)12 Apr 2010 18:58
To: ALL29 of 40
Nuvver one:

Take the Who Should You Vote For? UK General Election quiz
Liberal Democrat29
UK Independence-23

You expected: LIB
Your recommendation: Labour

Click here for more details about these results
From: koswix12 Apr 2010 19:07
To: Gobfounded (YVE) 30 of 40
Gah, there's too many of these things now. It would be OK if they all gave the same results...

Take the Who Should You Vote For? UK General Election quiz
Liberal Democrat45
UK Independence-7

You expected: GRN
Your recommendation: Liberal Democrat

Click here for more details about these results
From: Gobfounded (YVE)12 Apr 2010 19:16
To: koswix 31 of 40
At least mine tend to agree with my general voting tendencies. I usually vote lab or libdem, depending on the election and the circumstances and I've occasionally voted green. BNP and UKIP leaflets get shoved straight in the recycling. If nothing else, they prove I know my own mind (and iin the case of the policies one, prove that some of them are such bland waffle they could be from anyone).
From: JonCooper12 Apr 2010 21:02
To: ALL32 of 40
Take the Who Should You Vote For? UK General Election quiz
UK Independence29
Liberal Democrat5

You expected: LIB
Your recommendation: UK Independence Party

Click here for more details about these results
From: Matt12 Apr 2010 21:25
To: ALL33 of 40
Take the Who Should You Vote For? UK General Election quiz
Liberal Democrat29
UK Independence-6

You expected: LIB
Your recommendation: Liberal Democrat

Click here for more details about these results

Not too surprised.
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)12 Apr 2010 23:03
To: Gobfounded (YVE) 34 of 40
Seems about right:

Take the Who Should You Vote For? UK General Election quiz

UK Independence40
Liberal Democrat0

You expected: CON

Your recommendation: Conservative

Click here for more details about these results

From: y2rich12 Apr 2010 23:17

Take the Who Should You Vote For? UK General Election quiz

Labour     22
Liberal Democrat     17
Green     8
UK Independence -21    
Conservative -26    

You expected: LIB

Your recommendation: Labour

Click here for more details about these results

Not overly surprised by that one, damn sight closer than the other one anyway.

EDITED: 12 Apr 2010 23:18 by Y2RICH
From: koswix13 Apr 2010 00:48
To: ALL36 of 40

Wonder if they'll get round to updating the Politcal Compass with this year's crop.


Would be interesting to see if/how the different economic situation has changed the positions from 2008.

From: Radio13 Apr 2010 09:22
To: ALL37 of 40

Conservative 29
Liberal Democrat 18
UK Independence 8
Green 7
Labour -25


You expected: LIB


Your recommendation: Conservative


Rubbish. And I forgot to get the proper HTML code before closing the tab.

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)13 Apr 2010 17:02
To: ALL38 of 40
Take the Who Should You Vote For? UK General Election quiz
Liberal Democrat43
UK Independence23

You expected: LIB
Your recommendation: Green

Click here for more details about these results
From: ANT_THOMAS13 Apr 2010 17:12
To: ALL39 of 40
Take the Who Should You Vote For? UK General Election quiz
Liberal Democrat37
UK Independence-25

You expected: LAB
Your recommendation: Liberal Democrat

Click here for more details about these results

Not exactly surprised with the results. Still undecided who I'm going to vote for. Usually it'd be David Chaytor and therefore Labour but he's standing down (being kicked out) and his replacement was selected from an all woman shortlist which I don't agree with.
From: Ixion17 Apr 2010 00:19
To: Gobfounded (YVE) 40 of 40

Take the Who Should You Vote For? UK General Election quiz

Conservative     26
UK Independence     17
Liberal Democrat     1
Green -6    
Labour -6    

You expected: CON

Your recommendation: Conservative

Click here for more details about these results


Pretty much what I suspected then.