Teh Northern Summer Meat - 15th May, York

From: graphitone 1 Apr 2010 13:53
To: koswix 23 of 161

Think he meant he's not as green as he is cabbage looking.


Or blind.


One of the two.

From: koswix 1 Apr 2010 16:39
To: Mouse 24 of 161
Can we firm this up (possibly, truffy) pretty soooooon? Cheap tickets for the sunday are already gone for decent times :(
From: Mouse 1 Apr 2010 17:17
To: koswix 25 of 161
Consider it firm. Enough there for a decent do already.
From: Mouse 1 Apr 2010 17:24
To: graphitone 26 of 161
Are you coming lad? Would be nice to have another member of the Aire Valley massive there.
From: dyl 1 Apr 2010 17:28
To: Mouse 27 of 161
Hmmmm possibly.
From: koswix 1 Apr 2010 17:42
To: Mouse 28 of 161

I see Dylan's just confirmed, too. :D


Who's putting us scotch up? Need to work out where's best for train home.

From: Mouse 1 Apr 2010 18:29
To: koswix 29 of 161
I can put up some waifs and strays if need be. My house is about 25 minutes walk from Shipley station though...
From: koswix 1 Apr 2010 18:47
To: Mouse 30 of 161
What is this walk you mention? Don't they hace taxis? Or beer scooters?
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 1 Apr 2010 19:02
To: Mouse 31 of 161
I'll be coming with my good lady (whaddayouthink John) again, so won't need accomodation. We'll book a later train this time and stick around a bit longer than our alarmingly early departure from the last meat.
From: Mouse 1 Apr 2010 19:08
To: koswix 32 of 161
They do have taxis. And buses.
From: Manthorp 1 Apr 2010 22:05
To: koswix 33 of 161
All welcome at Manthorp Mansions.
From: patch 2 Apr 2010 06:58
To: koswix 34 of 161
What is that filter? Can you send me a copy? I'm at a school for a couple of months and this thread got hit by the filter.
From: koswix 2 Apr 2010 14:21
To: patch 35 of 161

Jus the world filter on Beehive.


fuck (any, not whole word) becomes badger
wank (any) becomes fluff
cunt (any) becomes Kant


Um, think that's all I have. You fucking cunt wanker.

From: patch 2 Apr 2010 17:17
To: koswix 36 of 161
Ah, right. I put them in myself, and then got confused about the whole thing. What does the "Enable filter" checkbox do in the options box below the filters? Because, even though I set the filters to be enabled as I created them, it didn't do anything until I ticked that checkbox.
From: koswix 2 Apr 2010 17:33
To: patch 37 of 161
Dunno, guess it enabled them :-|
From: DrBoff (BOFF) 4 Apr 2010 20:11
To: Mouse 38 of 161
Definite no, innit. ATP :(
From: Mouse 4 Apr 2010 20:18
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 39 of 161
Awww. :(
From: ANT_THOMAS 5 Apr 2010 18:07
To: Mouse 40 of 161
From: Wench (AYLUSIA) 5 Apr 2010 19:14
To: Mouse 41 of 161

We were going to pop up the weekend of the 7th for Oscar's birthday and have a bit of a do, but we'll have it a week later, have a bit of a do on the Friday night, then come to the meat on the Saturday.


And I second the request for the Yorkshire pudding pub. T'was good grub.

From: Mouse 5 Apr 2010 19:40
To: Wench (AYLUSIA) 42 of 161