Teh Northern Summer Meat - 15th May, York

From: koswix15 May 2010 11:24
To: Mouse 123 of 161
According to Latitude Boff is still in the river.
From: Rich15 May 2010 11:51
To: koswix 124 of 161
According to latitude, mouse was in Leeds 40 mins ago. According to my phone's gps, we're just passing through 'Current Location Can Not Be found'.
From: Dave!!15 May 2010 12:08
To: Rich 125 of 161
According to Google Latitude, the iPhone is unworthy.
From: koswix15 May 2010 12:24
To: Rich 126 of 161
I've been in 'no data connection' most of the way. :-(
From: Mouse15 May 2010 12:32
To: ALL127 of 161
We are in York station. Will wait 10 minutes then The Maltings.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)15 May 2010 12:58
To: ALL128 of 161
We're on a train, currently in hartlepool station. See you all at twoish.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)15 May 2010 13:30
To: ALL129 of 161
We are in bed, wishing I was there. :(
From: Matt15 May 2010 14:03
To: Rich 130 of 161
Don't forget my pint. I can't see the taps from here, but any of the local ales will do. Ta.
From: Dave!!15 May 2010 14:28
To: ALL131 of 161
Dear Greg etc

Are you still coming along?

Lots of love,

Message 37298.132 was deleted
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)15 May 2010 17:35
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 133 of 161
They're being satisfied by everybody else.
From: koswix15 May 2010 18:41
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 134 of 161
They're not desires, they're urges.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)15 May 2010 21:54
To: koswix 135 of 161
Hopefully Mouse didn't break his arm/leg/other before they were satisfied.
From: Mouse15 May 2010 23:24
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 136 of 161
Cheeky slump. I am on my way home... well via a colleagues birthday party.
From: Rich15 May 2010 23:34
To: Matt 137 of 161
Consider it done!
From: Rich16 May 2010 01:08
To: Rich 138 of 161
Here's some of the photos. These and more in better quality on my facebook account! :0)
From: koswix16 May 2010 01:19
To: Rich 139 of 161
From: Rich16 May 2010 01:27
To: koswix 140 of 161
Una fneek, ect. :-)
From: ANT_THOMAS16 May 2010 01:37
To: ALL141 of 161

I'm home after not attending the meat :C


Wish me luck with the Manchester 10k tomorrow. I have had no training, many injuries and I'm not sober now.

From: Mouse16 May 2010 01:54
To: ANT_THOMAS 142 of 161



Ahem, I appear to have got home.


Happy party to Osc. who's official event I didn't attend. A good meat though I think overall.