Teh Northern Summer Meat - 15th May, York

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 1 Apr 2010 08:35
To: Mouse 11 of 161
Oh, and my vote is for York as the location, since it has the magic Yorkshire pudding pub and numerous other fine drinking venues.
From: Mouse 1 Apr 2010 08:54
To: Matt 12 of 161

Yeah it's Autumn isn't it. Might have got a bit excited there. Where abouts you staying in September? Would be grand to have at least a mini meat.


Kenny, I like York. Can we visit the sword shop this time?

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 1 Apr 2010 09:20
To: Mouse 13 of 161
Yes, but Kos isn't allowed to buy anything.
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 1 Apr 2010 09:22
To: koswix 14 of 161
Well, maybe not their own crown.

I will almost certainly have money by then so I think me and the wench will endeavour to attend! B-)
From: Matt 1 Apr 2010 09:38
To: Mouse 15 of 161
I forget. It's up near the moors, one of them cabin holiday home things. Not too far from the city though, so easy enough to get back down there for the day.
From: koswix 1 Apr 2010 09:39
To: Mouse 16 of 161
There's a sword shop? 8-o
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 1 Apr 2010 09:44
To: Matt 17 of 161
We should definitely endeavour to get a September York meat in your honour, then. The last one was blessed with fantastic weather.
From: graphitone 1 Apr 2010 09:48
To: koswix 18 of 161

Must be something to do with Yorkshire, seems there's a proliferation of sword shops 'round here - there's a very dodgy newsagents in the centre of Bradford that proudly displays swords et al (ornamental o' course) in it's window and then there's a /very/ dodgy 2nd hand shop in Shipley that sells a whole host of bladed paraphenalia, from pen knives to machetes.


I once took a Sega Saturn in there, and in my naviety asked the man if he'd swap it for a Playstation. He said "my eyes are fucking blue, not black".


Lovely chap.

From: koswix 1 Apr 2010 10:04
To: graphitone 19 of 161

If I see anyone with a cross-bow, I'm legging it.


>>He said "my eyes are badgering blue, not black".
I don't know what that means :|

From: Dave!! 1 Apr 2010 11:19
To: Mouse 20 of 161
I'm a "maybe" too. Funds permitting, I should be there. Funds permitting.
From: graphitone 1 Apr 2010 11:50
To: koswix 21 of 161

Check your word filter - though it's kinda funny that fucking in your lexicon resolves itself to badgering.


O'course that sentence /still/ might not make any sense to you.

From: koswix 1 Apr 2010 12:38
To: graphitone 22 of 161
No, no, I read it as 'fucking' (it's Kenny's awesome work-friendly swear filter. Whenever I read badger no I automatically hear 'fuck' :$ ), but I still don't know what it means.
From: graphitone 1 Apr 2010 13:53
To: koswix 23 of 161

Think he meant he's not as green as he is cabbage looking.


Or blind.


One of the two.

From: koswix 1 Apr 2010 16:39
To: Mouse 24 of 161
Can we firm this up (possibly, truffy) pretty soooooon? Cheap tickets for the sunday are already gone for decent times :(
From: Mouse 1 Apr 2010 17:17
To: koswix 25 of 161
Consider it firm. Enough there for a decent do already.
From: Mouse 1 Apr 2010 17:24
To: graphitone 26 of 161
Are you coming lad? Would be nice to have another member of the Aire Valley massive there.
From: dyl 1 Apr 2010 17:28
To: Mouse 27 of 161
Hmmmm possibly.
From: koswix 1 Apr 2010 17:42
To: Mouse 28 of 161

I see Dylan's just confirmed, too. :D


Who's putting us scotch up? Need to work out where's best for train home.

From: Mouse 1 Apr 2010 18:29
To: koswix 29 of 161
I can put up some waifs and strays if need be. My house is about 25 minutes walk from Shipley station though...
From: koswix 1 Apr 2010 18:47
To: Mouse 30 of 161
What is this walk you mention? Don't they hace taxis? Or beer scooters?