
From: Mouse24 May 2010 12:26
To: koswix 37 of 42
Sfine here in 2.1 stock browser. Tried in Skyfire or Dolphin browser?
From: koswix24 May 2010 12:53
To: Mouse 38 of 42

Nope, didn't bother trying in other browsers. A few folk online I looked said they'd tried Dolphin and it made no difference.


I think i may be down to network operators too, though. Perhaps Vodafone putting in extra redirects for their caching and image ruining and stuff.

From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)24 May 2010 13:00
To: koswix 39 of 42
No issues for me, though I'm only lite because the full fast version seems to lock dolphin up
From: ANT_THOMAS24 May 2010 13:18
To: koswix 40 of 42

HTC Desire on O2. Android 2.1 stock using the standard browser and its working fine for me!


Actually I'm on wifi at the moment so probably no use to you.

From: ANT_THOMAS24 May 2010 13:22
To: koswix 41 of 42
Yeah its fine with O2 using data
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