Most People Do It Better

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)13 Dec 2009 21:58
To: Voltane 93 of 102
Well looks like it's currently me, you and the twins, so I guess we go with postponing it until more people are available.
From: y2rich13 Dec 2009 22:35
To: ALL94 of 102
Make it another time and I may be able to make an appearance (not that you'd know me)
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)13 Dec 2009 23:51
To: ALL95 of 102
Does me a favour as it's the day after my works do and we're planning a decent night out as it's several of our contractors last day.
From: milko14 Dec 2009 01:11
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 96 of 102
ditto, although our nights are always pretty major. I was gonna soldier through!
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)14 Dec 2009 11:34
To: milko 97 of 102
Yes, but you're a /real/ man!
From: milko14 Dec 2009 14:13
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 98 of 102
well, I'm a real good man at slumping next to a table with a beer in front of me, anyway.
From: Voltane14 Dec 2009 18:02
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 99 of 102
Sounds like that'd be for the best. :(
From: Matt14 Dec 2009 20:32
To: ALL100 of 102
Boo, but huzzah.

I can't afford (time and money) train to Nodnol this time of year, but I will much more likely be able to after New Year.
From: PNCOOL15 Dec 2009 18:35
To: ALL101 of 102
Can we change the thread title to "Nobody cancels it better...", or even just "Epic Fail"?
From: paul15 Dec 2009 21:08
To: PNCOOL 102 of 102

It was a bit shit though...