Most People Do It Better

From: PNCOOL13 Dec 2009 19:59
To: milko 88 of 102
That may be a very good plan. I know I can russle up a few more people if it wasn't the 19th December.
From: PNCOOL13 Dec 2009 20:29
To: ALL89 of 102

Actually, with only 5 of us going now (I didn't realise even EP was dropping out until just now), I'm going to say I'm not going to be there now too. I've got an engagement party I'm meant to be at anyway.


We'll re-arrange and I'll see if Helen, Martin and possibly Richard (Gajit on here) and Gemma are up for it too.

From: DrBoff (BOFF)13 Dec 2009 20:42
To: PNCOOL 90 of 102
I am more likely to come after christmas too!
From: PNCOOL13 Dec 2009 20:58
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 91 of 102
That's what she said :Y
From: DrBoff (BOFF)13 Dec 2009 21:48
To: PNCOOL 92 of 102
It's probably true in that sense too :(
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)13 Dec 2009 21:58
To: Voltane 93 of 102
Well looks like it's currently me, you and the twins, so I guess we go with postponing it until more people are available.
From: y2rich13 Dec 2009 22:35
To: ALL94 of 102
Make it another time and I may be able to make an appearance (not that you'd know me)
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)13 Dec 2009 23:51
To: ALL95 of 102
Does me a favour as it's the day after my works do and we're planning a decent night out as it's several of our contractors last day.
From: milko14 Dec 2009 01:11
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 96 of 102
ditto, although our nights are always pretty major. I was gonna soldier through!
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)14 Dec 2009 11:34
To: milko 97 of 102
Yes, but you're a /real/ man!
From: milko14 Dec 2009 14:13
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 98 of 102
well, I'm a real good man at slumping next to a table with a beer in front of me, anyway.
From: Voltane14 Dec 2009 18:02
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 99 of 102
Sounds like that'd be for the best. :(
From: Matt14 Dec 2009 20:32
To: ALL100 of 102
Boo, but huzzah.

I can't afford (time and money) train to Nodnol this time of year, but I will much more likely be able to after New Year.
From: PNCOOL15 Dec 2009 18:35
To: ALL101 of 102
Can we change the thread title to "Nobody cancels it better...", or even just "Epic Fail"?
From: paul15 Dec 2009 21:08
To: PNCOOL 102 of 102

It was a bit shit though...