Most People Do It Better

From: PNCOOL 7 Dec 2009 01:17
To: koswix 72 of 102
I still say we'd all buy you drinks for the night, seeing as most of us owe you them from last year.
From: Manthorp 7 Dec 2009 01:31
To: PNCOOL 73 of 102
But only if he signs a sworn statement declaring his love for the heartwarming tale of a weatherman, his director and a deal of repetitive incident. One pint per avowal.
From: graphitone 7 Dec 2009 15:18
To: Manthorp 74 of 102

I read that as 'a pint per vowel'.


If someone's getting a pint for every vowel they utter, that's going to be a very pissed someone.


Unless they're from New Zealand. Haven't got a vowel to their name, that lot.

From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 7 Dec 2009 22:54
To: ALL75 of 102
Just to let you know that while I am struggling with logistics, I definitely plan on being there!
From: Manthorp 8 Dec 2009 02:33
To: graphitone 76 of 102
Or the Poles. Like the hot metal technician at my artfag college, Bill Scryzpjyk (pronounced Skripjack)
EDITED: 8 Dec 2009 02:33 by MANTHORP
From: graphitone 8 Dec 2009 10:39
To: Manthorp 77 of 102

How do people/languages like that get by without using vowels? It's interesting how different peoples have developed vastly differing ways of using letter sounds.


It'd be far simpler (and I'd have had a far less strenuous time in my GCSE Spanish aural exam with Miss Francis) if we'd standardised the whole thing from the start.

From: Manthorp 8 Dec 2009 15:07
To: graphitone 78 of 102
I'll have a consonant please, Carol. And a consonant. And another consonant...
From: graphitone 8 Dec 2009 15:58
To: Manthorp 79 of 102
And so Welsh was born.
From: Wench (AYLUSIA)11 Dec 2009 05:46
To: Manthorp 80 of 102
quote: Manthorp
Or the Poles. Like the hot metal technician at my artfag college, Bill Scryzpjyk (pronounced Skripjack)

Is that a metal technician that's quite dishy, or a technician of high temperature metals?
From: Manthorp11 Dec 2009 21:51
To: Wench (AYLUSIA) 81 of 102
Certainly the latter, but with his hunky physique and village blacksmith vibe he also cut something of a swathe through the artfag womanhood, particularly as the competition largely comprised spotty punks, fey goths and strange nubby-dreadlocked whittlers in industrial workwear.
From: Voltane13 Dec 2009 04:36
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 82 of 102
Any idea what the latest tally for next week is?
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)13 Dec 2009 14:25
To: Voltane 83 of 102
Unfortuatly I have only been given one day for server maintenance and its that saturday. So sorry to say, i am a no.
From: koswix13 Dec 2009 16:21
To: paul 84 of 102
...than the Northern posse (with Scottish support). :-P
From: paul13 Dec 2009 17:47
To: koswix 85 of 102
I feel it was probably doomed by the title.

From: koswix13 Dec 2009 18:29
To: paul 86 of 102






From: milko13 Dec 2009 19:52
To: ALL87 of 102
should we just postpone it then? We're damn low on numbers now, and I have a few other things I could be doing instead/as well/dunno.
From: PNCOOL13 Dec 2009 19:59
To: milko 88 of 102
That may be a very good plan. I know I can russle up a few more people if it wasn't the 19th December.
From: PNCOOL13 Dec 2009 20:29
To: ALL89 of 102

Actually, with only 5 of us going now (I didn't realise even EP was dropping out until just now), I'm going to say I'm not going to be there now too. I've got an engagement party I'm meant to be at anyway.


We'll re-arrange and I'll see if Helen, Martin and possibly Richard (Gajit on here) and Gemma are up for it too.

From: DrBoff (BOFF)13 Dec 2009 20:42
To: PNCOOL 90 of 102
I am more likely to come after christmas too!
From: PNCOOL13 Dec 2009 20:58
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 91 of 102
That's what she said :Y