Most People Do It Better

From: koswix30 Nov 2009 14:35
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 65 of 102
You should know by now, Peter, that /everyone/ is beneath me :C
From: graphitone30 Nov 2009 15:11
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 66 of 102

I like the idea of using an illusion to cover up something which is traditionally a staple of illusion shows.


IF he /can/ float though, he's most likley to be part cloud.

From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)30 Nov 2009 15:23
To: koswix 67 of 102
So you CAN float?
From: Mouse30 Nov 2009 15:35
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 68 of 102
I can float.

(maybe only to my Facebook friends though)
From: koswix30 Nov 2009 18:15
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 69 of 102
I am a secret balloon :(
From: PNCOOL 6 Dec 2009 12:19
To: ALL70 of 102
7 of us? Oh dear :C
From: koswix 6 Dec 2009 15:28
To: PNCOOL 71 of 102
Any remote chance of me changing my mind disapeared when I went out and bought a new Xbox today :(
From: PNCOOL 7 Dec 2009 01:17
To: koswix 72 of 102
I still say we'd all buy you drinks for the night, seeing as most of us owe you them from last year.
From: Manthorp 7 Dec 2009 01:31
To: PNCOOL 73 of 102
But only if he signs a sworn statement declaring his love for the heartwarming tale of a weatherman, his director and a deal of repetitive incident. One pint per avowal.
From: graphitone 7 Dec 2009 15:18
To: Manthorp 74 of 102

I read that as 'a pint per vowel'.


If someone's getting a pint for every vowel they utter, that's going to be a very pissed someone.


Unless they're from New Zealand. Haven't got a vowel to their name, that lot.

From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 7 Dec 2009 22:54
To: ALL75 of 102
Just to let you know that while I am struggling with logistics, I definitely plan on being there!
From: Manthorp 8 Dec 2009 02:33
To: graphitone 76 of 102
Or the Poles. Like the hot metal technician at my artfag college, Bill Scryzpjyk (pronounced Skripjack)
EDITED: 8 Dec 2009 02:33 by MANTHORP
From: graphitone 8 Dec 2009 10:39
To: Manthorp 77 of 102

How do people/languages like that get by without using vowels? It's interesting how different peoples have developed vastly differing ways of using letter sounds.


It'd be far simpler (and I'd have had a far less strenuous time in my GCSE Spanish aural exam with Miss Francis) if we'd standardised the whole thing from the start.

From: Manthorp 8 Dec 2009 15:07
To: graphitone 78 of 102
I'll have a consonant please, Carol. And a consonant. And another consonant...
From: graphitone 8 Dec 2009 15:58
To: Manthorp 79 of 102
And so Welsh was born.
From: Wench (AYLUSIA)11 Dec 2009 05:46
To: Manthorp 80 of 102
quote: Manthorp
Or the Poles. Like the hot metal technician at my artfag college, Bill Scryzpjyk (pronounced Skripjack)

Is that a metal technician that's quite dishy, or a technician of high temperature metals?
From: Manthorp11 Dec 2009 21:51
To: Wench (AYLUSIA) 81 of 102
Certainly the latter, but with his hunky physique and village blacksmith vibe he also cut something of a swathe through the artfag womanhood, particularly as the competition largely comprised spotty punks, fey goths and strange nubby-dreadlocked whittlers in industrial workwear.
From: Voltane13 Dec 2009 04:36
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 82 of 102
Any idea what the latest tally for next week is?
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)13 Dec 2009 14:25
To: Voltane 83 of 102
Unfortuatly I have only been given one day for server maintenance and its that saturday. So sorry to say, i am a no.
From: koswix13 Dec 2009 16:21
To: paul 84 of 102
...than the Northern posse (with Scottish support). :-P