No, it's 'carsel'. And 'cassel' irritates my oh-so-pert tits right off into the gutter.
But then the chances are I won't be listening, so do carry on with your proposal to further bastardise the English language! :{)
so where is the 'r' in 'castle' then?
ohh, hang on, do you mean more of a caaastle?
But it's not.
"ca" as in "cat" without the t. Then "stle" like you said in "whistle".
A section where Mr Bastard teaches me to speak all proper like would be good.
'The caart is in the carrstle having a baaarth'
You have a point there. I think they have baaaarn yaaaards.
Yeah, I know that's said the same way either side of the watford gap, but the elongated vowel sounds make it sound more toff. :Y