So how we going to do this shizzle. We are recording a Pilot first, yeah? Maybe a shorter version of each of the ideas we have?
I take it we'll be using Skype, and the recording software Mouse acquired. If so, I'm perfectly happy to record it and fiddle later. The software says you can split the voice tracks so editing shouldn't be too hard, but I'm happy to bow to someone with more madskillz than me.
Also I'm busy on Monday night now, too. Am free all tomorrow. TOMORROW?
So, basically you want to keep out all Northerners from the podcast and have a 'neutral' language idiom throughout?
Neutral's another word for bland. You need character.
No, it's 'carsel'. And 'cassel' irritates my oh-so-pert tits right off into the gutter.
But then the chances are I won't be listening, so do carry on with your proposal to further bastardise the English language! :{)
so where is the 'r' in 'castle' then?
ohh, hang on, do you mean more of a caaastle?
But it's not.
"ca" as in "cat" without the t. Then "stle" like you said in "whistle".
A section where Mr Bastard teaches me to speak all proper like would be good.
'The caart is in the carrstle having a baaarth'