Northern Meat - NOW 12th September 2009 (DATE CHANGE)

From: koswix 6 Aug 2009 17:46
To: Manthorp 77 of 252

/Holes/, not /tumours/.



From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)10 Aug 2009 09:32
To: ALL78 of 252
We're in Romania that weekend, sorry...
From: Rich26 Aug 2009 21:35
To: Mouse 79 of 252
Date change is better for us. Also, it's my 25th birthday on the 14th Sept so I might have a few extra drinkies ;-D
From: Mouse26 Aug 2009 22:35
To: Rich 80 of 252
Eyyy, good lad.
From: paul26 Aug 2009 23:00
To: Mouse 81 of 252
Meant to say before, but here's where I stand:

I'm out.

Maybe next time chaps.

From: Mouse26 Aug 2009 23:08
To: paul 82 of 252
From: paul26 Aug 2009 23:10
To: Mouse 83 of 252
From: Mouse26 Aug 2009 23:11
To: paul 84 of 252
(it's like "rubbish" but makes better crumble)
From: Voltane26 Aug 2009 23:31
To: Mouse 85 of 252
I'm gonna have to say out too. :(
From: Mouse26 Aug 2009 23:52
To: Voltane 86 of 252
Boooo, ahh well. I shall try my best to make it to the next southern meat.
EDITED: 26 Aug 2009 23:59 by MOUSE
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)27 Aug 2009 09:43
To: Mouse 87 of 252
If it's any consolation, I'm in! Not only that, but my good lady has agreed to accompany me, so she'll be able to drink EP's share of York's cider supply. Well, some of it, at least.
From: Mouse27 Aug 2009 10:10
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 88 of 252
Yay! Ricard00's not able to come so I'm going to have to find someone else from the North East to act as interprator.
From: Mouse27 Aug 2009 10:34
To: koswix 89 of 252

Are you coming?


Mtrying to update first post for new date and can't be arsed trawling through posts.

From: koswix27 Aug 2009 11:08
To: Mouse 90 of 252

Uh uh uh uh mebbe :(


Can I book a provisional dog basket and confirm next week?

From: koswix27 Aug 2009 11:10
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 91 of 252




From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)27 Aug 2009 12:13
To: koswix 92 of 252

Shocking, innit?


I've told her that it's a bunch of geeks meeting up in a tiny little pub in York to talk about geeky things and take photos of people taking photos. She's fine with that. She's especially looking forward to taking photos of people taking photos of people taking photos.

EDITED: 27 Aug 2009 12:14 by WINGNUTKJ
From: Mouse27 Aug 2009 12:32
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 93 of 252
I think this photo sums up the whole silly photographing situation at Northern meats nicely.

From: koswix27 Aug 2009 12:49
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 94 of 252
How ever are you going to break the news to dave?
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)27 Aug 2009 12:59
To: Mouse 95 of 252



I especially like how accurately the camera has captured my level of drunkeness.

From: DrBoff (BOFF)27 Aug 2009 13:13
To: Mouse 96 of 252
I might not be able to make it either... Can you pay my travelling expenses? :(