Northern Meat - NOW 12th September 2009 (DATE CHANGE)

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 5 Aug 2009 11:14
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 47 of 252
Arse, I think you mean.
From: Mouse 5 Aug 2009 11:24
To: ALL48 of 252

Right, what if, and this is just a thought, we moved it to the 12th, week after?


If anyone's booked tickets then sod that, but it was just an idea?

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 5 Aug 2009 11:31
To: Mouse 49 of 252
That might be a slight possibility for me, since I'm not running a 10K the next day. I do have plans, but they might just be able to be wangled.
EDITED: 5 Aug 2009 11:31 by WINGNUTKJ
From: koswix 5 Aug 2009 12:48
To: Mouse 50 of 252

I booked tickets yesterday cos you shouted at me :@


But they're easilly changed.

From: DrBoff (BOFF) 5 Aug 2009 13:15
To: Mouse 51 of 252
I booked tickets but they were only a tenner so could prolly change.
From: DrBoff (BOFF) 5 Aug 2009 13:19
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 52 of 252
Steve could pay me the tenner out of the lottery money, maybe.
From: Mouse 5 Aug 2009 13:56
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 53 of 252
Damn fine plan.
From: koswix 5 Aug 2009 16:17
To: Mouse 54 of 252
Just checked and my tickets can be changed for a tenner so no biggy if we move it to another date.
From: Mouse 5 Aug 2009 17:28
To: ALL55 of 252
No word from Manthrob yet....
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 5 Aug 2009 17:29
To: ALL56 of 252
I think the 12th is fine
From: Mouse 5 Aug 2009 17:53
To: Manthorp 57 of 252
LOOK STEVE. Everyone's jumping through hoops because of your Ars. Can you make the 12th?
From: Manthorp 5 Aug 2009 22:13
To: Mouse 58 of 252
(just back from living road movie with Nos. 2 & 3 sons) My Ars is free for all to enjoy on the 12th, as is the dog basket.

I wholly commit to this alternative day with thanks and humility, even if I'm offered a freebie to the moon and/or a harem of Moorlock lookalikes.
From: Manthorp 5 Aug 2009 22:17
To: ALL59 of 252
I will bring home a large bottle of Alsbach Uralt for the enjoyment of all dogbasketees.
From: ANT_THOMAS 5 Aug 2009 22:30
To: ALL60 of 252



Wedding that day.

From: Mouse 5 Aug 2009 22:38
To: ALL61 of 252

Well, Ant's always busy so let's move it to the 12th anyway.


<finishes stone etching>
<hands to Steve>


Sign this please.

From: ANT_THOMAS 5 Aug 2009 22:41
To: Mouse 62 of 252

It seems I'm going to have 4 really busy weeks starting from 22nd August.


22nd August - 1st September - Conference in the US plus 3 days in Chicago
5th Sept - TKD course and a birthday
12th Sept - Wedding
17th - 18th Sept - Conference in Southampton

From: DrBoff (BOFF) 6 Aug 2009 08:33
To: Mouse 63 of 252
I'll book some MORE tickets then.
From: Mouse 6 Aug 2009 09:10
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 64 of 252
I believe the name you want the invoice to be under is 'Manthorp'.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 6 Aug 2009 09:11
To: Mazz0 65 of 252
Date change!
From: Manthorp 6 Aug 2009 09:16
To: Mouse 66 of 252
I will redeem my guilt in beer & post-meat Austrian brandy.