Northern Meat - NOW 12th September 2009 (DATE CHANGE)

From: Dave!!12 Sep 2009 10:06
To: ALL236 of 252
Gah! Why do I always wake up with a dodgy stomach or something when I've got plans for the day?

I'm still coming along by the way and that milk of magnesia has an hour to do its stuff before I leave the house. :(
From: Mouse12 Sep 2009 11:48
To: Mouse 237 of 252
Right, we're not going to get to York till 12.50
From: Manthorp12 Sep 2009 11:48
To: Dave!! 238 of 252
It mixes well with peach schnapps. see you there soon.
From: Dave!!12 Sep 2009 12:34
To: Mouse 239 of 252
Eee, ya gits! So, is anyone else here yet? I'm going to head to the maltings in 5.
From: Manthorp12 Sep 2009 12:47
To: Dave!! 240 of 252
we're about 20 mins away. Get a round in.
From: koswix12 Sep 2009 12:49
To: Dave!! 241 of 252
Pint of black sheep for me, be there in about 20 too.
From: Mouse12 Sep 2009 13:41
To: ALL242 of 252
Kenny! Where you at boi?
From: Mouse12 Sep 2009 14:23
To: ALL243 of 252
If anyones got Kennys number email me it to michaelwatmough at gee male dot com
From: Dave!!12 Sep 2009 14:54
To: ALL244 of 252
Never mind, he's here and the fellowship is complete!
From: koswix12 Sep 2009 17:50
To: Dave!! 245 of 252
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)12 Sep 2009 18:09
To: koswix 246 of 252
Haha, you're Gimli! :D
From: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)13 Sep 2009 04:21
To: ALL247 of 252

Lovely day, fab bunch. I ended up home pretty early from a rather dull continuation of alchol consumption in Manchester, all my friends wussed off about 3am.


My highlights were meeting those I had met for the first time, watching Kos crush a small child, people admiring my *fabulous* shoes and actually claiming my Manthorp snog.

From: koswix13 Sep 2009 09:12
To: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER) 248 of 252
Yeah, 'friends'.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)13 Sep 2009 12:13
To: ALL249 of 252

We took it to the NEXT LEVEL BABY.

From: koswix13 Sep 2009 12:22
To: ALL250 of 252

That were reet.


Good to see everyone again, though I'm still amused that we count as a group of 'lads' and got KB'd from the Maltings.


Special thankyous to Steve as always: for the use of your snake and your sofa, and for not making us get up at 4am for breakfast. Still impressed that you cooked 4 breakfasts and had nothing yourself.


And an honourable mention to the York branch of Jessops.

From: Mouse13 Sep 2009 12:35
To: ALL251 of 252
Good to see everyone again. Thanks very much for your kind hospitality Steve, I am definitely getting me a robot snake.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)13 Sep 2009 17:42
To: ALL252 of 252
My good lady and I had a great day in York - we had a picnic in the park before meeting up with teh posse, and the weather was perfect. It was good to see everyone again, and Gaynor enjoyed meeting you all. Shocking, I know.