Northern Meat - NOW 12th September 2009 (DATE CHANGE)

From: Mouse17 Jul 2009 16:30
To: Mikee 2 of 252
You gonna come lad?
From: paul17 Jul 2009 16:58
To: Mouse 3 of 252
I'm a rank outsider, as I'm supposed to be on call out duty that weekend but it is just possible that I might just maybe come, or not.

We'll see...

From: Dan (HERMAND)17 Jul 2009 17:08
To: ALL4 of 252
We'll be driving up from Brum, so the offers there if anyone wants a lift en route.
Message 36350.5 was deleted
From: Dave!!17 Jul 2009 18:27
To: Mouse 6 of 252
Put me down as a big maybe. Just bought a house, got lots of stuff to buy for the inside of it now and hence I'm royally skint at the moment. But on the other hand, York is easy for me to get to...
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)17 Jul 2009 19:54
To: ALL7 of 252

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh


Maybe... :]

From: Mouse17 Jul 2009 20:02
To: ALL8 of 252
Ha, balls. It's Music in Myrtle that weekend which I was supposed to go to. I'll probably be a fairly early leaver then :(
From: paul17 Jul 2009 21:21
To: Mouse 9 of 252

Set in stone my arse!

From: DrBoff (BOFF)18 Jul 2009 00:05
To: Mouse 10 of 252

Wanker. There won't even be time for you to break your leg.


Mister Manthrob can I sleep on you face? I mean floor.

From: Mouse18 Jul 2009 03:22
To: ALL11 of 252
:( I'm still coming! I just might have to leave a bit earlier this time and go break my one of my limbs somewhere else.
From: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)18 Jul 2009 17:53
To: Mouse 12 of 252
I have to admit to being tempted this time, stick me down as a maybe please.
From: Manthorp19 Jul 2009 08:43
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 13 of 252
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)20 Jul 2009 17:39
To: Mouse 14 of 252
I cannot make it, unfortunately. I'm running a 10k the next day in Glasgow :S
From: Mouse20 Jul 2009 20:22
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 15 of 252
Wt/f/ lad? Are the buses off?
From: Manthorp20 Jul 2009 21:36
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 16 of 252
Just run home Sunday.
From: Rich (RICARD00)22 Jul 2009 14:55
To: Mouse 17 of 252
I'm reasonably sure I'll be there!
From: Mouse22 Jul 2009 15:15
To: Rich (RICARD00) 18 of 252
'Raaay! Hello Ricard00.
From: Mikee22 Jul 2009 17:01
To: Mouse 19 of 252

Maybe. depends whats going on in my life around that time.


Give me a poke in the week coming up to it, because I will forget.

From: Manthorp23 Jul 2009 01:31
To: Mikee 20 of 252
I'll give you a poke on the night itself.
From: graphitone23 Jul 2009 10:04
To: Manthorp 21 of 252
HEY... NO! nononono... there's some images that stay in the mind and that might stay with me for the rest of my life.