Northern Meat - NOW 12th September 2009 (DATE CHANGE)

From: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)10 Sep 2009 18:47
To: Manthorp 198 of 252
Not for me thanks, I'll be getting the train back to Mancs to party on.
From: Mouse10 Sep 2009 19:03
To: koswix 199 of 252
Away. Forever. Until the next one.
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)10 Sep 2009 19:04
To: ALL200 of 252
If possible, we'd like to stay the nights of the 11th and 12th. Homemade curry sounds good. :D
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)10 Sep 2009 19:06
To: Manthorp 201 of 252
^ That was supposed to be @ you.
From: koswix10 Sep 2009 19:33
To: Mouse 202 of 252



Sell me a mandocello. I hear Fershman did one a while back.

From: Mouse10 Sep 2009 19:40
To: koswix 203 of 252
Did they? You're full of lies. They're hard to come by them. Just get a Cittern,
EDITED: 10 Sep 2009 19:40 by MOUSE
From: koswix10 Sep 2009 19:49
To: Mouse 204 of 252

According to some forum thread somehwere, anyway.


BUt it turns out they were talking about some dude called Freshman :$


I do nut want a Cittern, they have too many strings. I might get a bouzouki and turn it into a mandocello.


Or I might save up for the mandocello i found online. But I don't think I'll ever have £700 to spend :(

From: koswix10 Sep 2009 19:51
To: Mouse 205 of 252
Want one like this but not so ugly (skip the first 1.40s or so)

From: DrBoff (BOFF)10 Sep 2009 20:13
To: koswix 206 of 252

From: koswix10 Sep 2009 20:17
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 207 of 252
From: Mouse10 Sep 2009 20:45
To: koswix 208 of 252
The sound on my Netbook has stopped working and I can't be arsed going upstairs :(
From: koswix10 Sep 2009 20:48
To: Mouse 209 of 252
Fuck you, mouse. Fuck /you/.

From: Manthorp10 Sep 2009 23:44
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 210 of 252
That would be lovely. Charlie will be here on the Sunday night as well. I'll have to head out down South shortly after I take Chaz to school on Monday, but that need not hamper you guys.
From: Mouse11 Sep 2009 15:51
To: ALL211 of 252

Who's meeting where then? Steve, you good for Leeds at 11ish?


Graphitone, are you coming?



From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)11 Sep 2009 15:52
To: Mouse 212 of 252
We'll get you in The Maltings.
From: Mouse11 Sep 2009 15:52
To: graphitone 213 of 252
You coming?
From: Mouse11 Sep 2009 15:52
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 214 of 252
Word. Latitude if you use it.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)11 Sep 2009 16:04
To: Mouse 215 of 252
That'd need technology far in advance of what I have. Does your mobile still end in 447?
From: DrBoff (BOFF)11 Sep 2009 16:08
To: Mouse 216 of 252
I'll be at Leeds at 11.
From: koswix11 Sep 2009 16:10
To: Mouse 217 of 252
Imma hide my owbn location and sneak up on you,