Northern Meat - NOW 12th September 2009 (DATE CHANGE)

From: DrBoff (BOFF) 9 Sep 2009 19:10
To: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER) 173 of 252
Nothing. It'll save time.
From: Rich 9 Sep 2009 20:53
To: ALL174 of 252

Uhhh, the missus informed me yesterday that on Saturday she's throwing me a surprise party for my birthday so I'm afraid we're both going to be no-shows :-(.


I was so frigging adamant about going on Sat she broke the silence on the surprise party.


So now not only do I not get to be drunk in York... I also have to be sociable to family and friends. Woe is me.



From: Mouse 9 Sep 2009 20:57
To: Rich 175 of 252

Pah, rubbish, But happy birthday.


In other news, 2 members of my staff have just gone down with swine flu. That makes things very interesting....

From: ANT_THOMAS 9 Sep 2009 21:01
To: Mouse 176 of 252
It's still about? How utterly shit.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 9 Sep 2009 21:06
To: ANT_THOMAS 177 of 252
I second that drunken arse making at the Newbury beer festival this weekend. Last year I managed to get interviewed regarding the beer festival and rather drunkenly talked about the quilted toilet paper that was in the bog, thinking that they would never air it. And guess what, they did, on local TV and then as a load of my mates saw it, on youtube and on the newbury weekly news site. My wife was soo proud.
From: Manthorp10 Sep 2009 16:29
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 178 of 252
Can I have a quick head count for the dog basket, please?

So far I've got definite bookings from:

Kenny & Kennette

Mouse, will you be snapping limbs in my garden? PyschoG, do you require to be bedded for the night? Offski & Keeley, will you stay with me on Saturday night or at your mum's? Any more for any more?

I have two spare bedrooms with double beds and a sofa bed in the sitting room, so there's capacity.

Everyone OK with home-made curries? I'm very good these days if I say so myself (which, self-evidently, I have just done). But it's easy to provide alternatives if anybody is curry intolerant.

GreyHair is entertaining friends on Saturday and fears they would never speak to her again if they saw any of the possie, so she'll be joining us when we get back to Manthorp Mansions.
From: Mouse10 Sep 2009 16:43
To: Manthorp 179 of 252
Hmm, I shan't be staying overnight. What usually happens though is I have a childlike urge not to miss out on fun. And it would be nice to see the greyone. And break limbs. Certainly don't save me a bed anyway.
EDITED: 10 Sep 2009 16:44 by MOUSE
From: DrBoff (BOFF)10 Sep 2009 16:49
To: Manthorp 180 of 252
Um. Afraid i'm withdrawing my definite :(
From: Mouse10 Sep 2009 16:59
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 181 of 252
WHAT?! After all thay moaning? If you don't come I'm going to make Milko sanitoriumize you're arse.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)10 Sep 2009 17:06
To: Mouse 182 of 252
From: koswix10 Sep 2009 17:07
To: Manthorp 183 of 252

Homemade curry sounds awesome... aslong as there's no meat in it :$



From: DrBoff (BOFF)10 Sep 2009 17:09
To: Mouse 184 of 252
Okay so Hm. Fuck. I don't know. I'm in a funny mood.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)10 Sep 2009 17:09
To: koswix 185 of 252
Just a bit of sausage.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)10 Sep 2009 17:17
To: Manthorp 186 of 252

In an astonishing deviation from Meat Normality, I won't be requiring use of the dog-basket. We're heading back to Maisonette Kennette* in the evening, so we'll miss out on the late-night drinking, falling asleep in front of a DVD, leg-breakings and hot sausage action the next morning. Well, I say "miss out"...


*It's not actually a maisonette, but then again, she's not actually called Kennette either.

From: Manthorp10 Sep 2009 17:25
To: ALL187 of 252
Well it's shaping up to be a quiet night in, by the sound of it. Kos & (potential temporary guest) Mouse, I hope you're thirsty...

& I'm planning on doing a Chicken & Potato and a Dhal and Chick Pea, so the latter will be fine for you and it's most delicious and nutritious.
From: koswix10 Sep 2009 17:26
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 188 of 252
Don't you dare leave me alone with him. I'll be a changed man :&
From: koswix10 Sep 2009 17:27
To: Manthorp 189 of 252

Sounds good!


Don't hurt me :((

From: DrBoff (BOFF)10 Sep 2009 17:27
To: Manthorp 190 of 252
Okay fuck it you've sold me. Tickets away!
From: DrBoff (BOFF)10 Sep 2009 17:28
To: Manthorp 191 of 252
So yeah, I'm in for the basket again. Sorry!
From: Manthorp10 Sep 2009 17:29
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 192 of 252
Grand, looking forward to it.