Itchy Gig on a Meaty Poll

From: paul18 Dec 2008 23:19
To: Voltane 75 of 80

I /knew/ it!
From: Wayne (SCOREZ2000)29 Nov 2009 03:13
To: paul 76 of 80

I'm just going through some old photos, trying to get them sorted in iPhoto and found pics from the only meat I went to, December 2003.
If anyone else had any more photos from thi sday, it'd be much appreciated.


I'd love to attend another one.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)29 Nov 2009 14:19
To: Wayne (SCOREZ2000) 77 of 80
I'd love to attend another one.


See you in three weeks time. :)
From: Wayne (SCOREZ2000)29 Nov 2009 17:53
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 78 of 80
Aint got the green queens for it right now.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)29 Nov 2009 18:32
To: Wayne (SCOREZ2000) 79 of 80
Bah, lousy excuse.

Make sure you start saving up for the summer one then.
From: Mouse 6 Apr 2010 18:36
To: Wayne (SCOREZ2000) 80 of 80
You'd be more than welcome at Teh /proper/ meat.
EDITED: 6 Apr 2010 18:45 by MOUSE