Itchy Gig on a Meaty Poll

From: Rich (RICARD00)17 Dec 2008 20:49
To: ALL60 of 80

I've booked my train ticket so will be there.


Manthorp has suggested he's booked his too but is currently ignoring me so I don;t know if he lied.

From: Manthorp17 Dec 2008 22:42
To: Rich (RICARD00) 61 of 80
Just been on the road for two days, you twat. I'm booking my seat tomorrow.
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)17 Dec 2008 22:49
To: Manthorp 62 of 80
What did you do? Has she let you back in the house, now?
From: Manthorp17 Dec 2008 22:59
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 63 of 80
I had to wait till she was out and snuck back in.

I was up in Gateshead Sunday & Monday with Greyhair taking down our artfag installation (according to Doug the Park-keeper, it was the hit of the show), then down to Birmingham yesterday to deliver a day-long seminar on the potential of social technologies for arts organisations.

Dim Sum in Chinatown with the guy delivering 4ip in the West Midlands, across to Chipping Campden to overnight at my mum's. This morning I was off to Rugby to pick up a lathe I bought on Ebay, then to Stratford for a meeting with Radio Wildfire and the RSC.

So I'm shagged, and not in a fluid exchangey kind of way.
From: paul17 Dec 2008 23:29
To: Rich (RICARD00) 64 of 80

From: paul17 Dec 2008 23:35
To: Manthorp 65 of 80


Assuming my current bout of man-flu subsides sufficiently for my own attendance (pray)
From: JonCooper18 Dec 2008 08:00
To: Manthorp 66 of 80
This morning I was off to Rugby to pick up a lathe I bought on Ebay

this a wood lathe or a metal lathe? (ie; are you about to start fabricating your own folding laser gun !??!*)

thinking more clearly, I suspect it's for wood, being as how you like a bit of whittling etc.
From: Manthorp18 Dec 2008 08:07
To: JonCooper 67 of 80
Aye, it's my second wood lathe, a Tyme Cub. I've a had pre-war Arundel lathe for years.
From: Matt18 Dec 2008 10:11
To: ALL68 of 80
How confusing do they have to make booking tickets? I mean, seriously, how many variations of off-peak can you have?!

I have though managed to book tickets to Marylebone. I'm feeling quite ill right now, but hopefully will be OK for Saturday.
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)18 Dec 2008 10:16
To: Matt 69 of 80
Yes, I too looked at the 15 possible ticket combinations I could buy and wondered what the heck.
From: andy18 Dec 2008 15:38
To: ALL70 of 80
what time are people arriving? i should be able to show face for at least a few hours - def can't make the gig as i'm due at a mate's birthday in t'evening.
From: paul18 Dec 2008 17:52
To: andy 71 of 80
Voltane will probably be there from 12 as he always beats me to a meat [no, John].

Peeps should be arriving from 14:00.

Goodge St is your nearest tube.
From: Voltane18 Dec 2008 23:01
To: paul 72 of 80
More like 13:30. I don't think i've ever got there at 12.....
From: paul18 Dec 2008 23:10
To: Voltane 73 of 80
I dunno, it just seems that however early I turn up, you're already there...

From: Voltane18 Dec 2008 23:14
To: paul 74 of 80

Where do you think I post from.....


Er, I mean, I have no idea what you mean.

From: paul18 Dec 2008 23:19
To: Voltane 75 of 80

I /knew/ it!
From: Wayne (SCOREZ2000)29 Nov 2009 03:13
To: paul 76 of 80

I'm just going through some old photos, trying to get them sorted in iPhoto and found pics from the only meat I went to, December 2003.
If anyone else had any more photos from thi sday, it'd be much appreciated.


I'd love to attend another one.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)29 Nov 2009 14:19
To: Wayne (SCOREZ2000) 77 of 80
I'd love to attend another one.


See you in three weeks time. :)
From: Wayne (SCOREZ2000)29 Nov 2009 17:53
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 78 of 80
Aint got the green queens for it right now.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)29 Nov 2009 18:32
To: Wayne (SCOREZ2000) 79 of 80
Bah, lousy excuse.

Make sure you start saving up for the summer one then.