Itchy Gig on a Meaty Poll

From: paul26 Nov 2008 10:50
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 23 of 80
From: Linn (INDYLS)26 Nov 2008 16:24
To: paul 24 of 80
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)26 Nov 2008 16:52
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 25 of 80
Not good enough.
From: paul26 Nov 2008 19:04
To: Linn (INDYLS) 26 of 80
I was giggling at you taking the piss out of Ant...

From: Linn (INDYLS)26 Nov 2008 21:25
To: paul 27 of 80
Ah! Hmmm. the giggle signifying thingy must be broken here. I have noticed several blank posts lately. Perhaps that explains them.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)28 Nov 2008 14:24
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 28 of 80

Nnnoooo :(
Teh Meat is shrinking people, don't let it..

From: y2rich28 Nov 2008 15:01
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 29 of 80
Well it's about to shrink a bit more as I definitely can't attend. The missus thinks I've been spending too much time at meets recently and not enough time with her.
From: paul28 Nov 2008 20:24
To: y2rich 30 of 80
Sorry you can't make it/under the thumb... :(

You can change your vote, if you wish.

From: y2rich28 Nov 2008 21:11
To: paul 31 of 80
Aye I am under the thumb. Has its privileges(sp?) though. :D
From: paul 2 Dec 2008 18:04
To: ALL32 of 80
Come along chaps and chapesses, there must be more of you that haven't voted yet...

So far we only have NINE confirmed [plus a few associates that can't be represented on the ballot], which is simply not enough considering the amount of folk that expressed an interest in the original thread.

So, more votes please.

Also, could someone slap a sticky on this thread please?

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 2 Dec 2008 18:06
To: paul 33 of 80
I'll slap your sticky if you're not careful.
From: johngti_mk-ii 2 Dec 2008 18:24
To: paul 34 of 80
It's making me sticky if that helps...
From: paul 2 Dec 2008 18:36
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 35 of 80
From: paul 2 Dec 2008 18:37
To: johngti_mk-ii 36 of 80
From: johngti_mk-ii 2 Dec 2008 19:04
To: paul 37 of 80
Harsh :(
From: paul 2 Dec 2008 19:15
To: johngti_mk-ii 38 of 80
From: PNCOOL 3 Dec 2008 16:37
To: paul 39 of 80
I attended the smallest forum meat, so I may as well attend the largest one.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 3 Dec 2008 16:50
To: PNCOOL 40 of 80
Woot :D
From: paul 3 Dec 2008 18:46
To: PNCOOL 41 of 80
Looking forward to seeing you and H, any of the rest of your gang coming?

We're looking at 10 core members at the moment, but I believe the twins will be coming, I'll have Dianne and Bob in tow and possibly one other, various other attendees will be bringing their partners, so I expect, on the current showing, around 20 to be there.

Hopefully more...

From: ANT_THOMAS 3 Dec 2008 21:49
To: PNCOOL 42 of 80



If it's less than two then I dispute your claim.